This is a new character I'm working on. To start I decided to create the base body. This is still very incomplete and is only emphasizing the major forms and silhouette but I think it is important to make sure this part is right before progressing. If possible I could really use some advice to improve.

take your shirt off, take your right hand and place it on your left shoulder. now slide it over the shoulder and down your back on that side of your body.
now tell me if you can feel that massive concave area you've sculpted onto your model just under the shoulders.
okay okay, for the non-dickish reply... don't take muscular reference 100% literally, remember that skin stretches over muscles, and where possible will try to create as flat a surface as possible. imagine wrapping cling film over some clay tubes and pulling it fairly tight, you'll see that the space between the tubes underneath the film doesn't magically suck the film into it, the same applies to skin and muscle.
but if you are going for a massive, slightly exaggerated model, then its totally fine to have what you got. some of the bodybuilders DO have that kind of muscle structure
Don't know why, but this character looks like kevin costner to me
Nice work!