Alright this is my first time in a 3D contest let alone desiging weapons as complex as this, so gentle
So for my design I decided to go for an Axe, with a Cerberus design to go with it.
Chose the Kingdom of the dead Theme(Cerberus ....underworld.....dead stuff lool)
I first started with this silhouette:
But I couldn't fit the 3rd head without it looking wierd, so I ended up with this:
So this is what I dead so far:
Yah, I am behind schedule and got like 3 more days to finish
, trying to pull through, hopefully I can do it
I am worried I might be getting out of theme, suggestion are WELCOME!......... plz lol
Other good options is to watch their teasers, gameplay videos, and see if your design fits on their conceptual guideline.
Good luck!
No but seriously I think someone else is doing Cerberus and I'm not 100% sure it was supported because that sort of thing isn't in the game. Also you have chains at the bottom, that's a "no no" according to the game devs.
Don't let this get you down, push out some new designs fast and post them here so we can give you fierce brutal feedback. /spank
And basic 3D shape of the Axe:
Blades in the middle didn't work so I took them of
Next step is ti try to draw a design in mudboox, gonna try to make the blades on the right wings, with a death face on the left(or maybe another death related creature), or I might change that, i'll see how things go, hopefully I can come up with a good design in mudbox, then later on bake it into 3DS max
Thanks for the reply Habbo, I really do need those spanked after all..... /spanked
Took a whole day just getting my OBJ to work on Mudbox , was really frustrating to do
Not happy with my progress as i am definitely falling behind at this point I might not make it, but I barley finding the time to work on this.
Trying to see how I can make a death face on the left side and still looks good, so much going in my head, can't come up wit ha good death design on the spot
On a related note, I read that the dead line is on the 26th, at 11 am, so i need to submit everything before 11 in the morning? right? just trying to get some things on my head clear out
I know its a bit much, but needed to come up with a design ASAP and 3 heads is monsters is all I can think of :S
I will use retopology and hopefully will end up somewhere close to the Mudbox as much as I can, while still in the 1500 tri limit
No sleep for me I guess
Anyway, here is the low poly:
Its as closes as i can get while staying with the tri limit
If I am able to finish texture in the next hour and half might post it, other wise, I couldn't make it
Thats how far I went, looks like I didn't make it
If I understand correctly the time limit is 11 am so yah, its 10:30 am here and have miles to go.
Was fun though, Can't wait for another contest I can compete and improve my skills with /optimizam of a