Hi everyone,
I'm new to the forums here, and have been enjoying learning from you all before I even registered. So, first, I'd like to thank everyone for all their contributions to helping others.
I'm a self employed artist. I went to school for and work in music mostly and have my own studio. But I've always had a love of animation. I've been doing voice acting and different characters since I was a kid. I've done some very minor acting work on a handful of major films and came to understand and love "the process" through that. Since then, I've spent a lot of time modeling and looking to make my own animated series and/or game.
Right now, I'm in the middle of finishing my first TF2 hat, and thought this would be the place to run it by some other artists and designers for critiques and comments. Mostly though, just having conversations about creation and the creation process with people who actively DO create is a huge bonus to me. Most people I know have a strong love of "going through the motions" and talk a lot about doing things in the future. I would rather spend that time creating things and building on what I've learned with practical working experience, as opposed to philosophy of art or creation. It seems like this forum has a lot of "Do-ers" in it. Nothing against dreaming, it's a big part of things, but you can dream while you refine your work and watch the dreams evolve.
I know no one will probably remember this, but I'm generally a very positive person and do appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow. So I will always be accepting of ideas and different points of view, even if I don't share the perspective or even disagree with it. I appreciate and value all of it as if I used it. It's an infinite universe and what might not apply to me today might apply tomorrow, or someone else I know, or just give me an insight that I need sometime. For example, I don't like Metallica, right now, but when I was 15 I thought they were great. They just don't apply to my life in a way that I need now. So when I say I don't like Metallica, that just means, NOW, this year, this ONE individual doesn't need to listen to it. Not "they aren't a good band". My opinion = my opinion, not "the way it is". If that helps anyone to understand me, that's the goal here. ie, open minded and non-judgmental of opinions and styles different than my own. Everything has its place.
With all that having been said, I'm looking forward to getting feedback from everyone, and also, I love just looking through all your work, because a lot of it is AMAZING! I have a lot to learn from this group.
Thanks again. Back to loving life and making cool shit.
Polycount is a very strong community with a lot of talent. Pretty much the entirety of my 3d education was from Polycount and it's members. People are more than willing to help, if you at least try to help yourself first (which it sounds as though you are). Be courteous, follow the rules and you'll do great