Hello, this is my first post here on PC. I've been lurking around and seeing other artist's work and have been really inspired by a lot of the artist that post their work here. Anyways I just thought I take the chance to post an environment I've been working on, hoping to get a critique if possible
Here is the original concept I went off of:
however I did change a few things for my own reason to create a bit more of contrast, anyways let me know what ya think
You need to work on your lighting and materials in UDK. The Marmoset renders look awesome, but the UDK shots look underwhelming. I would also consider tweaking the colors of your textures, the florescent green, florescent blue, and that red-orange color do not mix well. If you look at the color pallet in the concept piece it is much more eye pleasing then your UDK scene.
Good start though, this could turn out awesome with just a few small changes.
Good start though, this could turn out awesome with just a few small changes.
floor edge wear seems rather bold in the udk screen.