At least, not yet. Purely my opinion of course but here's my thoughts after owning a Vita for 2 weeks and returning it (and purchasing another PSP).
The game selection really isn't as good as the media/Sony would have you believe. Sure on paper there's some big name titles but in reality, they're not great games.
Here's the ones I played;
Uncharted - A weak attempt at an Uncharted game on a handheld that makes gimmicky overuse of the Vita's hardware, like touchscreen etc. The game is bland and the environments are very samey throughout. It's pretty, but it's not the Uncharted we love from the consoles.
BlazBlue - An almost picture perfect replica of the console versions, but playing competitive beat-em ups with a handheld is not easy, comfortable or even enjoyable in my opinion.
Unit 13 - One of the 'hopeful exclusives'. It's fun for a mission or two, but gets very repetitive and a lack of deathmatch or versus multiplayer kinda hurts it a bit. The 'mission' based structure isn't as great as a proper campaign mode I don't think.
Hot Shots Golf - A lot of fun, and probably the best game I played, but not enough to make me want to hold onto the Vita.
Gravity Daze - I played the JP demo, and I'm really not sure the Vita owners should be as hyped about this as they are, and I certainly don't think it's going to be the 'saviour' as most people seem to think it is. It's fun sure, and the art style is nice, in fact it looks like a 'good' game, but nothing truly groundbreaking and really not a game that is likely to push sales up.
Here are the big problems I have with it;
Not allowing multiple accounts on the same device. This is ridiculous. If I want to use a Japanese account on the same Vita as my native account, I need to buy a new memory card (an expensive, proprietary memory card), and reformat my Vita every time I want to switch accounts... Whereas on the PS3 I can just switch freely.
No PS1 support/limited PSP game support. PS1 Classics are supposedly coming but who knows when, or if they'll ever show up. Also PSP games seem to come and go from the PSN, some can be transferred via PS3 only, some don't work at all.
A horrible horrible UI/Menu. Seriously, I know it's not a major issue but there's nothing wrong with the XMB... just use that!
Finally, the gimmicky touchpanel/accelerometer/touchscreen. Not once did I see a worthwhile use of any of these, and I can't think of one either. They should've just left these out, saved some money and saved the devs (like the Uncharted developer) from having to dream up stupid ways of implementing them.
I honestly don't see a bright future for the Vita and wouldn't be at all surprised if it becomes a huge flop. Sales have not been fantastic and it's really not to do with the price. I can't see any major developers supporting it and I can't honestly think of a way for Sony to save it. Some games have already slipped on release windows and I'd imagine some of those may even end up cancelled.
It's a shame, because I was a huge PSP fan but I just found myself playing PSP games on it, and was looking forward to PS1 Classics than any Vita games... hence the reason I just picked up another PSP instead.
Thanks for writing those TeeJay. I was also looking at Vita yesterday. I didn't like the web browser after watching some videos. Now that you mention these, I guess I'll wait until Tekken Tag 2 comes out(December) to see how the things go.
Belias, if you are definitely getting a Vita, you may want to check out some fighting games if you like the genre. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Mortal Kombat look good on Vita.
TeeJay: I heard that Uncharted didn't require the use of the front/back touch controls and they were completely optional? The way you say it makes it sound like they aren't though.
Thanks for writing those TeeJay. I was also looking at Vita yesterday. I didn't like the web browser after watching some videos. Now that you mention these, I guess I'll wait until Tekken Tag 2 comes out(December) to see how the things go.
No probs. I'm disappointed to be honest. I was pretty excited about it after being a huge PSP fan but it's just not quite there yet. Maybe I'll wait for a year or so and see what things look like then.
TeeJay: I heard that Uncharted didn't require the use of the front/back touch controls and they were completely optional? The way you say it makes it sound like they aren't though.
Yeah I'm pretty sure they're unavoidable. Even in the demo for example, there's a bit where a piece of cloth (yes, a piece of cloth) is hanging in a doorway that Drake needs to pass. Of course just pushing it to one side would be far too heroic and time consuming so you are required to unsheath your machete and swipe the touchscreen in a predetermined sequence of directions and proceed to watch in amazement as he slices through that cloth like a hot knife through butter... or something.
An equally fun bit is where you are required to hold your Vita up to a light bright enough so that you can read a map on the screen. As I'm sure you can tell, It's a blast!
Against my better judgement, I bought one. So far, i've enjoyed Dynasty Warriors Next (Minus the touch screen duels that make up boss fights..) and Touch My Katamari. Other than that, I've just been playing PSP games off of PSN
It's pretty cool in that way, that you can just buy some old PSP games off of PSN and use them, but I don't really think that being an "early adopter' of any handheld system really pays off in the end, but we'll see. So far, I'm personally enjoying mine, but a bit in selection of games thus far. There are like 10.
I have no idea what darling Belias would like however
Against my better judgement, I bought one. So far, i've enjoyed Dynasty Warriors
Ah yes! I played the Dynasty Warriors demo too and it's easily the best title on there in my opinion. Unfortunately I couldn't find it to purchase here in the UK. All the high street retailers only stocked about 5 of the launch games and I refused to pay the PSN prices which are higher (at least in the UK) than their physical counterparts... I have nothing against going digital, but not when it's more expensive.
@TeeJay, really? PSN versions cost less stateside, or at least i'm pretty sure they do. Weird..
Yeah, it's a solid Dynasty Warriors game, has pretty good character creation options, and the conquest mode has some really cool online elements. It will get people from online and make them/the officers they've created the leader of an enemy force, and their rank determines how hard they are to beat. It really adds some variety/difficulty, because occasionally you'll get a high rank guy in there you have to avoid for a while. Fun stuff.
Me and my fiance love our Vitas. I got Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, Uncharted, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Touch my Katamari, Rayman Origins, Lumines and Hot shots golf. I can recommend all of these games! The Uncharted touch controls are not that bad and only happen in a few places. Everything else has no forced touch controls and feels great.
The Vita has honestly become my favorite handheld. The whole account thing is not a big deal for me because I honestly don't see a point in having a ton of different accounts.
Anyways I see a bright future for the Vita, everyone was all oh no the 3DS is going to fail then look what happened 6 months later. As for the whole Vita vs Ipad/iphone argument I feel they are for two differnt play reasons. You will never get the same kind of experience on a Ipad as you will with a dedicated handheld with buttons. I love having Ninja Gaiden on the go and that would not work on a touch only device.
Honestly feels like I'm in the minority of preferring real buttons over touch controls.
I tried out a Vita a few times, graphics and screen are nice. The joysticks don't have as much resistance as I like but overall it's not bad. If I didn't already have a big stack of UMD PSP games and 3ds/DS games stacked up I'd probably end up getting one sort of soon.
Save for other than Gravity Rush there wasn't anything I was really interested in. Though I will admit when I played Gravity Rush it was a really fun game, controls were easy to get used to and controlling gravity is fun, and I liked the game's art style and graphics.
For games that are planned to be release they announced Phantasy Star Online 2 will be releasing on it in 2013 in Japan, Little Kings Story looks like it will be a good HD remake of the Wii game and even though it will also be on the PS3 I think Dragon's Crown will be a great game.
Though by the time those come out they might have a price drop or some new bundles that I would like. So for the time being I'm personally gonna wait until there is a bigger library of games that I enjoy.
I bought a 3ds early, and while I did have a few games I enjoyed like Blazblue Continuum Shift 2 and Super Street Fighter 4 (Which was nice since I skipped the previous games and these ones included the DLC) but overall it did have a lousy start. So with that in mind I'm probably gonna think twice about console/handheld purchases until the games I want are actually out.
Sucked bigtime when I bought a 3ds for Megaman Legends 3and a few other games only to have them cancelled because of the low 3ds sales.
any good casual vita games with high replay value?
how's the vita when it comes to watching movies or doing non gaming stuff?
any comments on the battery life?
They got tons of japan imported vita's lying around here at the computer bazaars. I've been pondering about picking one up.
I honestly don't see a bright future for the Vita and wouldn't be at all surprised if it becomes a huge flop. Sales have not been fantastic and it's really not to do with the price. I can't see any major developers supporting it and I can't honestly think of a way for Sony to save it.
I'm not really hyped about PSV right now (love the device, don't really care about current gaming line-up...), but hopefully, it flops not and gets some AAA japanese stuff later on.
hoping for a few sega, atlus and square enix titles during next year, because it's an amazing platform with impressive tech and I really want some damn good games to get developed there \
any good casual vita games with high replay value?
how's the vita when it comes to watching movies or doing non gaming stuff?
any comments on the battery life?
Hot Shots Golf is a pretty good casual game with a ton of stuff to unlock but it does get hard and can be ruthless. Dynasty Warriors also seems to have a fair amount if content. BlazBlue also has a LOT of stuff to play through but it's still basically just a fighter and I didn't enjoy playing it in a handheld platform.
Battery life seems reasonable, I got about 4/5 hours on a charge. In terms of web browsing, Twitter, Facebook etc it's no better than a smartphone. As far as I know the web browser also doesn't support Flash or HTML5.
With regards to future games, I'm concerned that some of the exciting titles like Dragons Crown will get cancelled. They all seen suspiciously far off and have seen delays. Phantasy Star looks awesome, but it's not out for at least a year and even then we may never see it localised (PSO is JP only right?).
I kind of feel the same way as others about the hardware, it's really pretty awesome but it is the games that will determine its future and I can't see a lot of devs happily pouring time and money into a platform that isn't doing fantastically in the current climate.
The 3DS comparison is somewhat invalid in my opinion; Nintendo were always going to make their Mario games for it even if it sold terribly, and ultimately those games (along with a price drop to some extent) are what turned sales around. Sony doesn't have the same first party rock solid franchise to back the Vita so it's relying on third parties to support it, which as I said, I can't see happening. It seems like a tricky paradox when relying on third party devs - the system needs good games to sell, but good games will only be made if the hardware sells.
Hot Shots Golf is a pretty good casual game with a ton of stuff to unlock but it does get hard and can be ruthless. Dynasty Warriors also seems to have a fair amount if content. BlazBlue also has a LOT of stuff to play through but it's still basically just a fighter and I didn't enjoy playing it in a handheld platform.
Battery life seems reasonable, I got about 4/5 hours on a charge. In terms of web browsing, Twitter, Facebook etc it's no better than a smartphone. As far as I know the web browser also doesn't support Flash or HTML5.
With regards to future games, I'm concerned that some of the exciting titles like Dragons Crown will get cancelled. They all seen suspiciously far off and have seen delays. Phantasy Star looks awesome, but it's not out for at least a year and even then we may never see it localised (PSO is JP only right?).
I kind of feel the same way as others about the hardware, it's really pretty awesome but it is the games that will determine its future and I can't see a lot of devs happily pouring time and money into a platform that isn't doing fantastically in the current climate.
The 3DS comparison is somewhat invalid in my opinion; Nintendo were always going to make their Mario games for it even if it sold terribly, and ultimately those games (along with a price drop to some extent) are what turned sales around. Sony doesn't have the same first party rock solid franchise to back the Vita so it's relying on third parties to support it, which as I said, I can't see happening. It seems like a tricky paradox when relying on third party devs - the system needs good games to sell, but good games will only be made if the hardware sells.
the original PSO came over here, as did PSU and the portable games other than Phantasy Star Portable 2 Inifinty, but that was because Sega dropped PSP support around that time I think. PSO2's alpha already has a menu for language options and there is already code that people data mined for languages including english as one of the selections. So far the game itself doesn't have any real release date though it will mostly likely end up like the other games where it's released in Japan first then after about a year Sega of America will release it in America. Though details on the servers and whatnot is still unknown when it comes to if they will be seperate per region like before or if they will be global servers, if there are global servers.
In terms of Monster Hunter I don't know how much support the Vita will get at least for a couple years since it seems Nintendo managed to get a Monster Hunter 3 game, and they revealed that Monster Hunter 4 would be a 3ds game. Though I could see them possibly doing something like they did with Monster Hunter Tri compared to Monster Hunter 3rd, where they took the game, added more stuff and put it on the Vita.
I'm hoping Dragon's Crown comes out, it looked like a promising game and honestly I plan to get it for the PS3. If it doesn't come out I guess I could always set up my Genesis and play some Golden Axe though...
Oh man believe me, if there was a Monster Hunter due out for Vita then I'd still have one. Unfortunately the only rumour I've heard mentioned is a port of P3rd, and even then who knows of it'll be released outside of Japan. The fact I couldn't easily play P3rd on Vita though was one of the fundamental reasons for me returning it for a PSP.
I think the new MH4 and obviously the 3D version of Tri are both 3DS exclusives.
One thing I forgot to say and I dont think anyone has brought up is while the battery is bout 4-5 hours, this thing holds a charge! With the 3ds you could have a full charge and leave it off the charger for a few days and the thing will be damn near dead.
With the vita that is not a issue. Mine was not on a charger for about 4 days and I got it out of sleep mode and the battery still showed full power.
I find the resolution a bit low (WTF is with that with current-gen handhelds >:( ), and the buttons a bit mushy, but Uncharted was fun. Its also lighter than I would have imagined.
Had a chance to play on one today... First thoughts were what the hell is with that UI lol? Reminds me of the Dreamcast or something Also those face buttons were terrible, really poor show!
The screen wasn't anywhere near as nice as I was led to believe, but then I have an iPhone 4S so maybe I've just got too used to its display? Plus the brightness wasn't all the way up.
Sadly no Uncharted on hand, but there was Wipeout, and it looked... Well, PS2 quality? A notch above? I dunno? I won't make a comment on the games because to be fair the only one I'm even interested in is Uncharted.
But sadly was a bit let down with the system as a whole... Maybe I'll pick one up if it gets some amazing games and gets jailbroken to play some decent emulation
IDK, I really enjoy mine thus far, and I too am waiting for the next monster hunter game for it, sunk probably 200+ hours into Freedom Unite on my psp. I personally have high hopes for the future of the Vita, some minor concerns aside (the menu is fucking annoying..just give me the ps3 style one please?)
The fact that it has two thumbsticks alone has more than sold me on it, because it makes playing PSP games on it so much more enjoyable (you can map the other thumbstick to either face buttons, dpad, or another thumbstick) The two thumbsticks also make it possible to have normal console style games on it. I'm still incredibly interested in what SquareEnix has to say/offer for the psv, because I loved all of their psp offerings (minus Crisis Core. Blech)
So far, the downfall for the Vita is this... Just because the touchpads are there, doesn't mean you HAVE to incorporate them into your game... Don't FORCE the controls on something that doesn't feel natural. Don't FORCE us to have to tap the screen to use the menu when its much easier to use the face buttons. Especially when it's something like returning from pause. You want your hands to be ready to take on whatever is after the pause.
So far, that's been my beef with it. All the games I've tried, they force the touch controls on you. I'm sorry, but ya, the back touch is cool, but it does NOT need to be incorporate into every single game for it...
Uncharted was cool, and I kind of liked that whole drag a line of where you want to climb. But over all, I wasn't too impressed with it. I found the controls kinda clunky.
So far, the downfall for the Vita is this... Just because the touchpads are there, doesn't mean you HAVE to incorporate them into your game... Don't FORCE the controls on something that doesn't feel natural.
Apparently no one learned from the DS or LAIR. Forcing bad controls on customers just because they're new is never a good idea.
Apparently no one learned from the DS or LAIR. Forcing bad controls on customers just because they're new is never a good idea.
Sony will never learn this. They are the ones that bully companies into implementing things like PSmove. Companies like Guerilla, which they own. KZ3 had terrible motion controls tacked on and was oversaturated to accommodate Sony 3D TV owners. When instead they should have been focusing on not making a terrible game. Why even bother with these new things if they only make things worse...
Sony ”made” them ” tack” on move controls.. ? I heard it actually worked out pretty well. And Killzone 3 was awesome and many people will agree. Guerrilla is a great and talented studio. You always seem so grumpy, Mr. Grumples.
I just thought the whole game was a disaster. Story seemed so great from the trailers yet they failed to kill of Rico AGAIN and then added an annoying Rihanna clone instead of bringing Luger back? And the MP was atrocious and broken with bad map design and those mechs. I still play KZ2 online sometimes, far superior experience.
Rayman is great fun, I only played the demo but I do plan to pick it up at some point.
I totally regretted trading mine in and picked up another one about two weeks later lol. Absolutely loving it now.
Currently enjoying Disgaea 3, which I didn't play first time round but am a huge fan of the first one. I'm not sure the story is as strong in D3 but the mechanics are as enjoyable as ever.
Also went back and grabbed some of the old PSP games too like Persona/Y's Seven.
Kinda disappointed the upcoming MGS HD hasn't got Peace Walker on because you can't use 'Transfarring' if you play the PSP version on Vita which sucks.
Jet set radio is going to look so sexy on that screen.
I have been enjoying mine since launch, mostly been playing Dj Max portable 3 and Mortal Kombat. I was so happy to hear the new DJ max game for Vita is getting a us release.
Also went back and grabbed some of the old PSP games too like Persona/Y's Seven.
I think you'll like Ys Seven, one of the better PSP titles imo. "Trails in the Sky" is another good one released by XSeed/Falcom, if you're into jrpgs.
Oddworld Stranger's Wrath HD is late-June apparently on the Vita too.
Really? Wow. That would probably be Vita's first killer title. Even though like most of its other good games, its available on other platforms. Will probably look really nice on the screen. Jet Set, I'm not so sure on. The screen isn't high-res enough and all those straight lines might not look so great on the Vita
I think you'll like Ys Seven, one of the better PSP titles imo. "Trails in the Sky" is another good one released by XSeed/Falcom, if you're into jrpgs.
Yeah I'm looking forward to Y's, never played any of the previous games but I'm a huge fan of JRPG's and I've heard it's one of the better ones.
I'll check out Trails in the Sky too, thanks for the recommendation.
I'm hoping we see a lot of stuff at E3, I'm actually pretty satisfied with the selection right now and the upcoming titles that have been announced. I'm still waiting on a Monster Hunter announcement though but not holding much hope due to the 3DS MH4 thing. I'd settle for a way to play MHP3rd without doing the US/JP account switcheroo, or even better, an HD port like the PS3 got.
Looking forward to Dragons Crown too, and really hoping it doesn't get cancelled.
At least, not yet. Purely my opinion of course but here's my thoughts after owning a Vita for 2 weeks and returning it (and purchasing another PSP).
The game selection really isn't as good as the media/Sony would have you believe. Sure on paper there's some big name titles but in reality, they're not great games.
Here's the ones I played;
Uncharted - A weak attempt at an Uncharted game on a handheld that makes gimmicky overuse of the Vita's hardware, like touchscreen etc. The game is bland and the environments are very samey throughout. It's pretty, but it's not the Uncharted we love from the consoles.
BlazBlue - An almost picture perfect replica of the console versions, but playing competitive beat-em ups with a handheld is not easy, comfortable or even enjoyable in my opinion.
Unit 13 - One of the 'hopeful exclusives'. It's fun for a mission or two, but gets very repetitive and a lack of deathmatch or versus multiplayer kinda hurts it a bit. The 'mission' based structure isn't as great as a proper campaign mode I don't think.
Hot Shots Golf - A lot of fun, and probably the best game I played, but not enough to make me want to hold onto the Vita.
Gravity Daze - I played the JP demo, and I'm really not sure the Vita owners should be as hyped about this as they are, and I certainly don't think it's going to be the 'saviour' as most people seem to think it is. It's fun sure, and the art style is nice, in fact it looks like a 'good' game, but nothing truly groundbreaking and really not a game that is likely to push sales up.
Here are the big problems I have with it;
Not allowing multiple accounts on the same device. This is ridiculous. If I want to use a Japanese account on the same Vita as my native account, I need to buy a new memory card (an expensive, proprietary memory card), and reformat my Vita every time I want to switch accounts... Whereas on the PS3 I can just switch freely.
No PS1 support/limited PSP game support. PS1 Classics are supposedly coming but who knows when, or if they'll ever show up. Also PSP games seem to come and go from the PSN, some can be transferred via PS3 only, some don't work at all.
A horrible horrible UI/Menu. Seriously, I know it's not a major issue but there's nothing wrong with the XMB... just use that!
Finally, the gimmicky touchpanel/accelerometer/touchscreen. Not once did I see a worthwhile use of any of these, and I can't think of one either. They should've just left these out, saved some money and saved the devs (like the Uncharted developer) from having to dream up stupid ways of implementing them.
I honestly don't see a bright future for the Vita and wouldn't be at all surprised if it becomes a huge flop. Sales have not been fantastic and it's really not to do with the price. I can't see any major developers supporting it and I can't honestly think of a way for Sony to save it. Some games have already slipped on release windows and I'd imagine some of those may even end up cancelled.
It's a shame, because I was a huge PSP fan but I just found myself playing PSP games on it, and was looking forward to PS1 Classics than any Vita games... hence the reason I just picked up another PSP instead.
Belias, if you are definitely getting a Vita, you may want to check out some fighting games if you like the genre. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Mortal Kombat look good on Vita.
No probs. I'm disappointed to be honest. I was pretty excited about it after being a huge PSP fan but it's just not quite there yet. Maybe I'll wait for a year or so and see what things look like then.
Yeah I'm pretty sure they're unavoidable. Even in the demo for example, there's a bit where a piece of cloth (yes, a piece of cloth) is hanging in a doorway that Drake needs to pass. Of course just pushing it to one side would be far too heroic and time consuming so you are required to unsheath your machete and swipe the touchscreen in a predetermined sequence of directions and proceed to watch in amazement as he slices through that cloth like a hot knife through butter... or something.
An equally fun bit is where you are required to hold your Vita up to a light bright enough so that you can read a map on the screen. As I'm sure you can tell, It's a blast!
It's pretty cool in that way, that you can just buy some old PSP games off of PSN and use them, but I don't really think that being an "early adopter' of any handheld system really pays off in the end, but we'll see. So far, I'm personally enjoying mine, but a bit
I have no idea what darling Belias would like however
Ah yes! I played the Dynasty Warriors demo too and it's easily the best title on there in my opinion. Unfortunately I couldn't find it to purchase here in the UK. All the high street retailers only stocked about 5 of the launch games and I refused to pay the PSN prices which are higher (at least in the UK) than their physical counterparts... I have nothing against going digital, but not when it's more expensive.
Yeah, it's a solid Dynasty Warriors game, has pretty good character creation options, and the conquest mode has some really cool online elements. It will get people from online and make them/the officers they've created the leader of an enemy force, and their rank determines how hard they are to beat. It really adds some variety/difficulty, because occasionally you'll get a high rank guy in there you have to avoid for a while. Fun stuff.
Uncharted was fun. Replay value isn't high on it.
Mutant Blobs is awesome. But it's basically an iOS game.
Super StarDust HD looks amazing too.
If it was Vita or iPad I would go iPad. But if you're looking in addition to that or hate iPads the Vita is great.
The Vita has honestly become my favorite handheld. The whole account thing is not a big deal for me because I honestly don't see a point in having a ton of different accounts.
Anyways I see a bright future for the Vita, everyone was all oh no the 3DS is going to fail then look what happened 6 months later. As for the whole Vita vs Ipad/iphone argument I feel they are for two differnt play reasons. You will never get the same kind of experience on a Ipad as you will with a dedicated handheld with buttons. I love having Ninja Gaiden on the go and that would not work on a touch only device.
Honestly feels like I'm in the minority of preferring real buttons over touch controls.
Save for other than Gravity Rush there wasn't anything I was really interested in. Though I will admit when I played Gravity Rush it was a really fun game, controls were easy to get used to and controlling gravity is fun, and I liked the game's art style and graphics.
For games that are planned to be release they announced Phantasy Star Online 2 will be releasing on it in 2013 in Japan, Little Kings Story looks like it will be a good HD remake of the Wii game and even though it will also be on the PS3 I think Dragon's Crown will be a great game.
Though by the time those come out they might have a price drop or some new bundles that I would like. So for the time being I'm personally gonna wait until there is a bigger library of games that I enjoy.
I bought a 3ds early, and while I did have a few games I enjoyed like Blazblue Continuum Shift 2 and Super Street Fighter 4 (Which was nice since I skipped the previous games and these ones included the DLC) but overall it did have a lousy start. So with that in mind I'm probably gonna think twice about console/handheld purchases until the games I want are actually out.
Sucked bigtime when I bought a 3ds for Megaman Legends 3and a few other games only to have them cancelled because of the low 3ds sales.
how's the vita when it comes to watching movies or doing non gaming stuff?
any comments on the battery life?
They got tons of japan imported vita's lying around here at the computer bazaars. I've been pondering about picking one up.
I'm not really hyped about PSV right now (love the device, don't really care about current gaming line-up...), but hopefully, it flops not and gets some AAA japanese stuff later on.
hoping for a few sega, atlus and square enix titles during next year, because it's an amazing platform with impressive tech and I really want some damn good games to get developed there
Hot Shots Golf is a pretty good casual game with a ton of stuff to unlock but it does get hard and can be ruthless. Dynasty Warriors also seems to have a fair amount if content. BlazBlue also has a LOT of stuff to play through but it's still basically just a fighter and I didn't enjoy playing it in a handheld platform.
Battery life seems reasonable, I got about 4/5 hours on a charge. In terms of web browsing, Twitter, Facebook etc it's no better than a smartphone. As far as I know the web browser also doesn't support Flash or HTML5.
With regards to future games, I'm concerned that some of the exciting titles like Dragons Crown will get cancelled. They all seen suspiciously far off and have seen delays. Phantasy Star looks awesome, but it's not out for at least a year and even then we may never see it localised (PSO is JP only right?).
I kind of feel the same way as others about the hardware, it's really pretty awesome but it is the games that will determine its future and I can't see a lot of devs happily pouring time and money into a platform that isn't doing fantastically in the current climate.
The 3DS comparison is somewhat invalid in my opinion; Nintendo were always going to make their Mario games for it even if it sold terribly, and ultimately those games (along with a price drop to some extent) are what turned sales around. Sony doesn't have the same first party rock solid franchise to back the Vita so it's relying on third parties to support it, which as I said, I can't see happening. It seems like a tricky paradox when relying on third party devs - the system needs good games to sell, but good games will only be made if the hardware sells.
Dont play with me man, MH is serious business!!! where have you heard about a monster hunter for the vita ? Is it a NEW mh?
the original PSO came over here, as did PSU and the portable games other than Phantasy Star Portable 2 Inifinty, but that was because Sega dropped PSP support around that time I think. PSO2's alpha already has a menu for language options and there is already code that people data mined for languages including english as one of the selections. So far the game itself doesn't have any real release date though it will mostly likely end up like the other games where it's released in Japan first then after about a year Sega of America will release it in America. Though details on the servers and whatnot is still unknown when it comes to if they will be seperate per region like before or if they will be global servers, if there are global servers.
In terms of Monster Hunter I don't know how much support the Vita will get at least for a couple years since it seems Nintendo managed to get a Monster Hunter 3 game, and they revealed that Monster Hunter 4 would be a 3ds game. Though I could see them possibly doing something like they did with Monster Hunter Tri compared to Monster Hunter 3rd, where they took the game, added more stuff and put it on the Vita.
I'm hoping Dragon's Crown comes out, it looked like a promising game and honestly I plan to get it for the PS3. If it doesn't come out I guess I could always set up my Genesis and play some Golden Axe though...
I'll probably pick one up when some more rpg's become available for it; and of course, monster hunter.
I think the new MH4 and obviously the 3D version of Tri are both 3DS exclusives.
there was this
not sure how "official" this all is, I guess we will know once E3 or TGC comes around.
anyway, MH would be the only reason for me to buy a vita. its such a strong system seller.
and I seriously doubt MH4 will stay 3ds exclusive for long.
With the vita that is not a issue. Mine was not on a charger for about 4 days and I got it out of sleep mode and the battery still showed full power.
The screen wasn't anywhere near as nice as I was led to believe, but then I have an iPhone 4S so maybe I've just got too used to its display? Plus the brightness wasn't all the way up.
Sadly no Uncharted on hand, but there was Wipeout, and it looked... Well, PS2 quality? A notch above? I dunno? I won't make a comment on the games because to be fair the only one I'm even interested in is Uncharted.
But sadly was a bit let down with the system as a whole... Maybe I'll pick one up if it gets some amazing games and gets jailbroken to play some decent emulation
The fact that it has two thumbsticks alone has more than sold me on it, because it makes playing PSP games on it so much more enjoyable (you can map the other thumbstick to either face buttons, dpad, or another thumbstick) The two thumbsticks also make it possible to have normal console style games on it. I'm still incredibly interested in what SquareEnix has to say/offer for the psv, because I loved all of their psp offerings (minus Crisis Core. Blech)
So far, that's been my beef with it. All the games I've tried, they force the touch controls on you. I'm sorry, but ya, the back touch is cool, but it does NOT need to be incorporate into every single game for it...
Uncharted was cool, and I kind of liked that whole drag a line of where you want to climb. But over all, I wasn't too impressed with it. I found the controls kinda clunky.
Apparently no one learned from the DS or LAIR. Forcing bad controls on customers just because they're new is never a good idea.
Sony will never learn this. They are the ones that bully companies into implementing things like PSmove. Companies like Guerilla, which they own. KZ3 had terrible motion controls tacked on and was oversaturated to accommodate Sony 3D TV owners. When instead they should have been focusing on not making a terrible game. Why even bother with these new things if they only make things worse...
I just thought the whole game was a disaster. Story seemed so great from the trailers yet they failed to kill of Rico AGAIN and then added an annoying Rihanna clone instead of bringing Luger back? And the MP was atrocious and broken with bad map design and those mechs. I still play KZ2 online sometimes, far superior experience.
now trying to beat the livid dead.
I totally regretted trading mine in and picked up another one about two weeks later lol. Absolutely loving it now.
Currently enjoying Disgaea 3, which I didn't play first time round but am a huge fan of the first one. I'm not sure the story is as strong in D3 but the mechanics are as enjoyable as ever.
Also went back and grabbed some of the old PSP games too like Persona/Y's Seven.
Kinda disappointed the upcoming MGS HD hasn't got Peace Walker on because you can't use 'Transfarring' if you play the PSP version on Vita which sucks.
Also, this:
I have been enjoying mine since launch, mostly been playing Dj Max portable 3 and Mortal Kombat. I was so happy to hear the new DJ max game for Vita is getting a us release.
(and please sega stop milking your 10+ years old titles, make a sequel already )
I think you'll like Ys Seven, one of the better PSP titles imo. "Trails in the Sky" is another good one released by XSeed/Falcom, if you're into jrpgs.
Really? Wow. That would probably be Vita's first killer title. Even though like most of its other good games, its available on other platforms. Will probably look really nice on the screen. Jet Set, I'm not so sure on. The screen isn't high-res enough and all those straight lines might not look so great on the Vita
Yeah I'm looking forward to Y's, never played any of the previous games but I'm a huge fan of JRPG's and I've heard it's one of the better ones.
I'll check out Trails in the Sky too, thanks for the recommendation.
I'm hoping we see a lot of stuff at E3, I'm actually pretty satisfied with the selection right now and the upcoming titles that have been announced. I'm still waiting on a Monster Hunter announcement though but not holding much hope due to the 3DS MH4 thing. I'd settle for a way to play MHP3rd without doing the US/JP account switcheroo, or even better, an HD port like the PS3 got.
Looking forward to Dragons Crown too, and really hoping it doesn't get cancelled.