Thought I would make an actual thread for this, now. I've been working on this in my spare time for a while, and am about ready to wrap it up. Whether I can take it to game-res really depends on free time (I might just have to call this done).
I'll post some better renders later, but in the mean time here are the original mass-model, the detailed up model (both set up in SketchUp) which I took into 3ds Max and from there produced the high-poly (which I'll post up soon).

Here's a little teaser low-res rendering what I'm composting in After Effects.
Here's a link:
I plan to do some more animation, and have some close-up views scrolling vertically on the sides. Please excuse the crappy res, I did something wrong in the HD settings in AE, but I'll get it all worked out, soon.
Thanks for looking
(edit) and thanks to Rooster for changing the thread title!
warhammers "tau" - maybe its a good ref. to get more functions
on your bot, like armor or weapons
iam curious whats coming next
I'm done with war-bots. I've spent years designing mecha that fought, destroyed, killed, etc. and I honestly don't have any interest in that anymore. My goal has been to design mechs that I feel look "cool" but don't support the notion of death and destruction as past-time.
Doesn't mean they can't exist in a story where action/suspense take place, but I'm going in a different direction.
I don't know what's coming next, to be honest.