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Paintball Mod Character + Props


Current stage:


So for my final year we have to do a semester long 'mod' project in groups. There's 4 of us in the group and we're using UDK to build our level. It's an indoor warehouse scene and i'll probably end up using this thread to post more off my work than just the character that i've been tasked in making. But first things fist ha ha.

I didn't concept much in the way for this as it had to be pretty simple for a first try at importing a custom character into UDK using the existing anims. And also for my personal level of experience given the deadline. But here's kind of the direction i started off with;


I've also had to build it to the UDK rig which is why the shoulder area is a little off but yeah.

Here's where i'm up to in Mudbox, it's taking an age because my computer is chugging like nobodies business ha ha. The head is a total placeholder as i'm attempting to hard surface all in maya for that (learning curve, if ever i had one) I've just got the hands and knee pads really and the left leg.


Anyway, i'd appreciate any crits or any advice from people who have had experience with custom UDK characters before but yeah feedback is golden :)

Thanks for looking and more updates to come!


  • Anthy9986
    Offline / Send Message
    Anthy9986 polycounter lvl 7
    The first thing that sticks out to me is the knee pads in relation to the pants. The pants seem really bulky like the guy is wearing some jncos..

  • Olli.
    Offline / Send Message
    Olli. polycounter lvl 8
    the width of the pants seems aight to me but the falloff from trouser to boot/kneepad is too sharp. should make it more gradual.
  • ro-zee
    Thanks for the feedback guys! My friend on the mod team mentioned the same thing too so I've gone back and adjusted the width of his knees in relation to the pants. Also done more work in general on the guy. Still got some tweaking to do and finishing the helmet in Maya but the deadline's pushing up fast so i'll have to start the game mesh and bake soon :)



    As always, crits and comments welcome

  • strobelite
    That cloth and shoes are looking sweeeet, something about the proportion is bothering me though? I think the torso is a touch too small, could be taller. Or maybe bring the belt down a bit. I think overall it's looking good though :]
  • SINtuition
    strobelite wrote: »
    That cloth and shoes are looking sweeeet, something about the proportion is bothering me though? I think the torso is a touch too small, could be taller. Or maybe bring the belt down a bit. I think overall it's looking good though :]

    I agree about the proportions. For me the problem area is the chest. The two pads covering the pecs are small. Plus, they are being contrasted by the much larger shapes of the pads below them. They just seem to make him look weak. It may be too late, but you could improve them by either breaking up the shape of the pads below, perhaps by implying the ab shapes beneath, or turn the top edges of the chest pads so that they point down toward the center, making them appear more aggressive.
  • ro-zee
    Hi guys,

    So i planned to have a big chunk of the character done but my computer just cannot handle it these days, it's okay though as i can use school computers, so hopefully should have that knocked over a bit this week. As a result my weekend was a bit free so i got around to making a shipping container for the level.


    In regards to the character proportions, i'm building to a UDK rig so he is a little squat. I agree with the comments on the vest, hopefully my newest reiteration suits better :)


    Thanks for looking!
  • Olli.
    Offline / Send Message
    Olli. polycounter lvl 8
    the few times ive played paintball i did it barehanded and with only a thin overall to protect my clothes... goes to show that professional paintballers are little girls who use armor and kneepads
  • ro-zee
    Well i guess if you're a professional paintball-er you probably play pretty regularly with less time to heal and have sponsors with insurance concerns. So a lot more on the line if you get hurt
  • Wesley
    Offline / Send Message
    Wesley polycounter lvl 14
    Does that container have polys for each of those ridges? You could probably let your normal maps do all that for you.
  • ro-zee
    Yeah, i tested having planes but I ended up keeping the detail in because the in the level you can get right up close to the sides at eye level (FPS) and the container is massive so i felt like it was worth it. We also have a pretty liberal polycount :\ That's one of the things i find hard to judge, detail distribution D: Usually i go by silhouette but seeing at the container's pretty much a rectangle i opted for internal details. But yeah that's deffs an option
  • ro-zee
    So long time no post, the mod in general is going well. I ended up having to push the character asside for a bit as i had a few computer problems but i've managed to get it up again, finished the HP, retopo'd and baked out a decent Normal and AO. The current poly count is 7360.

    Final HP:


    LP Retop and Bake:


    I will (hopefully) Post more as i texture and some of the prop work i've been doing haha

    As always, crit and feedback is heaps appreciated :)
  • michaelmilette
    your shipping container could be unwrapped more efficiently. you can place both front doors ontop of eachother and also place all of the corrigated metal siding ontop of oneanother thus saving uv space and making better use of video memory.

    also your spec map is very flat there are no highlights which would indicate scratchs or worn out paint.

    IMO your character is really looking cool but to me the head looks way to high poly especially for a character with only a helmet. for a face I could understand the higher typology because of facial rigging but in this case there isnt much of that. Also the boots look pretty high res near the bottom.

    keep up the good work
  • ro-zee
    michaelmilette: Thanks heaps for the advice, I agree with you. It's funny but little things like that you don't realise till after haha, but next time i'll be more efficient :)

    So another sporadic update, i've been busy doing props and stuff, here's a bin i made, i'll post some other junk up but it's all rather boring and i haven't been able to organise myself enough haha


    And an update on the character; He's been weighted by my team mate and animates to the UDK rig, once i've got the texture done i'll post up some engine shots but for now here's a texture WIP

  • ro-zee
    Did more work on the texture today, desaturated the camo a lot too, just need to finalise it and do some beauty shots for my portfolio (Although that's not exactly urgent haha)

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