working on a new folio scene, based on a concept by elliot lilly (didnt ask for any permission, so if anybody here thinks i should before proceding, please do say so, dont want anyone saying im using other people's work unaccordingly).
this is the concept:
and this is what i have so far:
some random screengrabs of props/structures ive taken during the process:
i wanted to experiment a bit in this scene, instead of having modules made in 3dmax and exported into udk to build, i tried to model the whole structure and have them exported, and some other small things i wanted to give a shot. feel free to crit, comment, whatever come to your guys minds
played a bit with lighting (changed angle, at first i was having it come right-left, now i put it left-right like the concept); started adding the third structure (still have to add a handrail on thop of it, and some wires connecting it to the gas station); changed the texture on the jeep and garage; desaturated the scene, was way too red; and added some other props to the scene.
been on a trip this week, so was away from any modelling... and hitting on the chicks in madrid xD (damn, what a city, and what girls... make you go really wild :P)
well, back to usual routine anyway. tiny update on the scene, fixed the garage (it wasnt completely faithful to the concept, walls didnt have the glass that can be seen in the concept), and added the boxes and barrels next to the garage.
cnc's are more than welcome, as always let me know what you guys think
Madrid sounds like fun anyway, are you gonna stick with the yellow-ish lighting? Because the concept has more of a blue lighting which, in my opinion, fits the scene abit better. Nice start!
Madrid sounds like fun anyway, are you gonna stick with the yellow-ish lighting? Because the concept has more of a blue lighting which, in my opinion, fits the scene abit better. Nice start!
ill try to fit the concept mood in the final stages, with some post process and fixes. but no, im not sticking to the yellow lighting, its not definitive thanks for the input
This is really coming along. The texture on the humvee vehicle thing is looking a little noisy at the moment. I'd also love to see some animation on the cloth hanging down either through udk physics or a cloth sim animation. Keep it up Yodude.
This is really coming along. The texture on the humvee vehicle thing is looking a little noisy at the moment. I'd also love to see some animation on the cloth hanging down either through udk physics or a cloth sim animation. Keep it up Yodude.
thanks for the crits yea, the humvee texture is not quite the way i wanted it to be... still have to make it look good, gonna leave it to the end though. for now i want to have a good idea of the scenery, with average/good texture work, and then later give it some more texture love
about the hanging cloth animation, its a good idea, will keep it in mind, thanks
tiny update today, added some background buildings:
crits are welcome, as always
PS: whats up with tinypic not opening, and giving all the images as broken links? :S
the humvee is just a blockout, still gonna model a better version of it. still think the scene could get some more texture love, what do you guys think? some feedback would be great, as i want to include this scene in my folio
guess its almost finished, couple things to be added like the armchair in the foreground, add some fizes to it and its good to go i guess. what do you guys say?
@ErichJW: thanks for the crits, will try and use them as they fit best
@SirCalalalot: thank you well, im trying to stick as close as possible to the concept, eventhough there are some noticeable differences. lets say im trying to get at a 80 - 85% close to the concept, whatever comes more than that, is just for the best :P
The way it's currently lit, it looks like the outside area is the focal point and the cool vehicle/lift is completely lost in darkness.
I would take a few cues from the concept such as letting atmosphere/fog fade the background out a little and bring more focus to the foreground. The inside of the garage also looks like it's ... is it unlit? I don't see a lot of interesting shadows going on or any real light sources.
The pits look like they have lit bulbs inside of them but they aren't really throwing any light around which seems odd.
It's a cool scene ... I think that a lighting overall would bring it from good to great!
The way it's currently lit, it looks like the outside area is the focal point and the cool vehicle/lift is completely lost in darkness.
I would take a few cues from the concept such as letting atmosphere/fog fade the background out a little and bring more focus to the foreground. The inside of the garage also looks like it's ... is it unlit? I don't see a lot of interesting shadows going on or any real light sources.
The pits look like they have lit bulbs inside of them but they aren't really throwing any light around which seems odd.
It's a cool scene ... I think that a lighting overall would bring it from good to great!
thanks for the crits warrenmarshall, taken them into account and took the day to play a bit with the atmosphere/mood.
brightened the jeep material and removed some of the specular noise i had on it; made the lift/computer pad more blue, as they were quite desaturated if compared to the concept; tried to make the garage a bit more shadowy, not giving away the lighting though; modelled the door; had some texture fixes; and added some lights around to help the key light.
im having a problem though, maybe someone here knows the answer: i added a point light to each of the bulbs in the pit, but they dont seam to be spreading any lightbeyond the emissive/bloom; cant find a solution to this...
edit: guess i solved it, just waiting for the render to finish to know wether or not ive found the solution
Yes! That looks way better IMO. I wish the vehicle/lift could be better highlighted in the composition since it's the most unique thing in the scene but that's probably too much work at this point. Currently, my eye gets pulled toward the brightest thing which is the wide open door and the cityscape beyond ... which is probably not the intention.
Nice fixes though, I like the pits a lot better now! And the atmospherics are a big step up.
I think I've figured out why the foreground in your image doesn't draw the eye much compared to the concept:
Looking again at the original image, you can see that there is a high amount of contrast in the foreground - the areas in shade are quite a lot darker in comparison to the overblown spots where light is hitting the ground directly.
As well as this, the strip lighting to the left of the garage is contributing just as much as the brightest part of the image. There is also light illuminating the 'cradle' for the Jeep.
Edit: I may have mentioned a few times on this forum elsewhere, but I really find that blurring your vision and looking at an image helps to see contrast and composition. Does it still look visually interesting, or does it blur into a grey blob?
Going back to your last image, the lighting is a bit uniform in comparison, with the bright and dark areas being closer to each other in values.
To bring in more contrast, you could try reducing the bounce-light contribution of the scene to drive those shadows darker (View > World Properties > Lightmass > Lightmass Settings > Diffuse Boost). Maybe cutting it by half would help, as well as reducing the "Num Indirect Lighting Bounces", depending on what they're set to now.
In addition, I think you could stand to darken the floor texture slightly, as it appears to be picking up quite a bit of light and is drawing the eye.
Lastly, you should check out @Oniram's video on Colour Lookup Tables - basically meaning that you can tweak your entire scene in Photoshop
thanks a lot you guys for the comments, helping loads!
@WarrenMarshall: thanks about the better highlighting the centerpieces, im trying my best to work on the scene as it is to get a better lighting in there, but im guessing ill have to fiddle a bit with the textures, at least in the lift piece. well, lets see how it will come
@Skurmedel: nice idea! will see where it can fit, so some more lighting can be added in that space
@SirCalalot: thank you for the tips not annoying at all, thats what im looking for, the more the crits, the better hehe... the only thing i havent done yet (although ive watched the vid) is the color table thing, will do it tomorrow since my time today is over :S
well, based on the comments and crits received, ive darkened the floor texture, played with the lighting in the centerpiece (jeep and lift), changed the lighting a bit, darkened the garage texture, changed the jeep modelling and texturing a bit, and guess thats it for now. this is what ive got:
as always, cnc is more than welcome
edit: looking at it now, guess that id need to brighten the jeep texture a tad bit...
The tarps look a little weird the way you have them draped. they have large amounts of cloth compressing in the center yet its flat on the top and the bottom in the mesh like theres nothing going on in the drapery. They also seem wierd because of how flat the mesh is compared to your textures depth. I think you should go more along the lines of what the concept has, which is just a flat hanging cloth. The ones you have now are also a little warcrafty for the scenery you have.
Be sure to add some fog to the distant buildings. Also the shadow for the shed in the concept extends farther towards the background and fades off as if it is slightly overcast. Id maybe try moving the light so that its not directly facing the shed.
All these things help to make the background melt together which makes the foreground more of a focal point because its dark and contrasty. Right now in your scene, everything is more similar.
Another thing to note is that the area to the left under the windows has more depth in the concept than in yours. It seems to be more of an extension of the building which adds a little more depth to the foreground area.
Really nice job though, keep it up
edit: ha SirCalalot already got to some of the things i said but maybe thisll help emphasise it
Definitely s step in the right direction, @yodude87
One thing that still jumps out is that the areas in the garage where the light is hitting the floor directly need to be much brighter and intense.
So turning up your main light somewhat should sort that out.
However, that might make the outdoor area far too intense as a result (more of a fault with the concept than anything wrong with what you are doing).
I'd give it a try anyway to see what it looks like, but you may need to find a creative way to intensify those spots on the ground.
@MacAttackk: thanks for the inputs. indeed, some of them had already been addressed, but its always good to emphasize anyway, some of them were new, like the flag one (which i started solving today), so write whatever crits come to your mind
@Sir Calalot: thanks yea, the lighting inside the garage has been bugging me... indeed, for the reason youve said. but i think i might have found a solution, will try it tomorrow. who knows, maybe it will work stay tuned :P
today's update isnt much of a thing, just messed a bit with the scale of the garage, added some length to its roof (as i hadnt noticed before, it was somewhat longer in the concept); added some more atmospherics; detailed a bit more some of the roofs; played a bit once again with lighing; and started (trying to)fixing the flags.
edit: about the garage shadow melting with the background, im still trying, but it seems that my garage came out somewhat shorter than the concept intended it, as when i point the light towards the background so that the shadow casts in that direction, it also comes in from the foreground :S guess ill have to add more depth to the garage...
well guys, guess im done with this scene, what do you say?
about the lighting inside the garage that had to be brighter, i had thought of adding a couple emissive decals so that it wouldnt influence the desert lighting... but it didnt come out so good, if i find any other way ill eventually add it.
thanks everyone for the tips and crits given, and if you guys think there might be something else to be done, please say it
I'm a bit late reading through this thread, but the overall feel of your scene is very good. Overall I think you have taken in all the critique and worked on each of the pints raised. I can only really spot little bits like maybe the alcove with the door underneath where the light comes in through the garage wall would be shadowed more. Great work!
played a bit with lighting (changed angle, at first i was having it come right-left, now i put it left-right like the concept); started adding the third structure (still have to add a handrail on thop of it, and some wires connecting it to the gas station); changed the texture on the jeep and garage; desaturated the scene, was way too red; and added some other props to the scene.
crits are more than welcome
will be posting more screens tomorrow
Man, you're unstoppable, keep it up buddy.
Loved the lightning.
Also, your models are way better than before.
But i'm still feeling the lack of more detail in some parts, ans some textures could be better next time, but still amazing.
added 4th building to the scene, a garage behind the gas station.
trying to constantly update the scene here, so that you guys can see how it progresses... hope well
crits are welcome
been on a trip this week, so was away from any modelling... and hitting on the chicks in madrid xD (damn, what a city, and what girls... make you go really wild :P)
well, back to usual routine anyway. tiny update on the scene, fixed the garage (it wasnt completely faithful to the concept, walls didnt have the glass that can be seen in the concept), and added the boxes and barrels next to the garage.
cnc's are more than welcome, as always
ill try to fit the concept mood in the final stages, with some post process and fixes. but no, im not sticking to the yellow lighting, its not definitive
crits welcome
thanks for the crits
about the hanging cloth animation, its a good idea, will keep it in mind, thanks
tiny update today, added some background buildings:
crits are welcome, as always
PS: whats up with tinypic not opening, and giving all the images as broken links? :S
basic post process, tiny fixes, proportions, fillers, new buildings, mood. hope you guys like it, please comment
the humvee is just a blockout, still gonna model a better version of it. still think the scene could get some more texture love, what do you guys think? some feedback would be great, as i want to include this scene in my folio
almost done with the background buildings
guess its almost finished, couple things to be added like the armchair in the foreground, add some fizes to it and its good to go i guess. what do you guys say?
What you have at the moment is wonderful by the way, and I can't wait to see the next update!
@SirCalalalot: thank you
I would take a few cues from the concept such as letting atmosphere/fog fade the background out a little and bring more focus to the foreground. The inside of the garage also looks like it's ... is it unlit? I don't see a lot of interesting shadows going on or any real light sources.
The pits look like they have lit bulbs inside of them but they aren't really throwing any light around which seems odd.
It's a cool scene ... I think that a lighting overall would bring it from good to great!
thanks for the crits warrenmarshall, taken them into account and took the day to play a bit with the atmosphere/mood.
brightened the jeep material and removed some of the specular noise i had on it; made the lift/computer pad more blue, as they were quite desaturated if compared to the concept; tried to make the garage a bit more shadowy, not giving away the lighting though; modelled the door; had some texture fixes; and added some lights around to help the key light.
im having a problem though, maybe someone here knows the answer: i added a point light to each of the bulbs in the pit, but they dont seam to be spreading any lightbeyond the emissive/bloom; cant find a solution to this...
edit: guess i solved it, just waiting for the render to finish to know wether or not ive found the solution
Nice fixes though, I like the pits a lot better now! And the atmospherics are a big step up.
Etc... don't know if its a good idea, but could be worth trying to draw the eyes.
I think I've figured out why the foreground in your image doesn't draw the eye much compared to the concept:
Looking again at the original image, you can see that there is a high amount of contrast in the foreground - the areas in shade are quite a lot darker in comparison to the overblown spots where light is hitting the ground directly.
As well as this, the strip lighting to the left of the garage is contributing just as much as the brightest part of the image. There is also light illuminating the 'cradle' for the Jeep.
Edit: I may have mentioned a few times on this forum elsewhere, but I really find that blurring your vision and looking at an image helps to see contrast and composition. Does it still look visually interesting, or does it blur into a grey blob?
Going back to your last image, the lighting is a bit uniform in comparison, with the bright and dark areas being closer to each other in values.
To bring in more contrast, you could try reducing the bounce-light contribution of the scene to drive those shadows darker (View > World Properties > Lightmass > Lightmass Settings > Diffuse Boost). Maybe cutting it by half would help, as well as reducing the "Num Indirect Lighting Bounces", depending on what they're set to now.
In addition, I think you could stand to darken the floor texture slightly, as it appears to be picking up quite a bit of light and is drawing the eye.
Lastly, you should check out @Oniram's video on Colour Lookup Tables - basically meaning that you can tweak your entire scene in Photoshop
I hope that came across as helpful and not annoying!
I love this scene and I especially love people who regularly update their threads
@WarrenMarshall: thanks
@Skurmedel: nice idea! will see where it can fit, so some more lighting can be added in that space
@SirCalalot: thank you for the tips
well, based on the comments and crits received, ive darkened the floor texture, played with the lighting in the centerpiece (jeep and lift), changed the lighting a bit, darkened the garage texture, changed the jeep modelling and texturing a bit, and guess thats it for now. this is what ive got:
as always, cnc is more than welcome
edit: looking at it now, guess that id need to brighten the jeep texture a tad bit...
Be sure to add some fog to the distant buildings. Also the shadow for the shed in the concept extends farther towards the background and fades off as if it is slightly overcast. Id maybe try moving the light so that its not directly facing the shed.
All these things help to make the background melt together which makes the foreground more of a focal point because its dark and contrasty. Right now in your scene, everything is more similar.
Another thing to note is that the area to the left under the windows has more depth in the concept than in yours. It seems to be more of an extension of the building which adds a little more depth to the foreground area.
Really nice job though, keep it up
edit: ha SirCalalot already got to some of the things i said but maybe thisll help emphasise it
One thing that still jumps out is that the areas in the garage where the light is hitting the floor directly need to be much brighter and intense.
So turning up your main light somewhat should sort that out.
However, that might make the outdoor area far too intense as a result (more of a fault with the concept than anything wrong with what you are doing).
I'd give it a try anyway to see what it looks like, but you may need to find a creative way to intensify those spots on the ground.
@Sir Calalot: thanks
today's update isnt much of a thing, just messed a bit with the scale of the garage, added some length to its roof (as i hadnt noticed before, it was somewhat longer in the concept); added some more atmospherics; detailed a bit more some of the roofs; played a bit once again with lighing; and started (trying to)fixing the flags.
edit: about the garage shadow melting with the background, im still trying, but it seems that my garage came out somewhat shorter than the concept intended it, as when i point the light towards the background so that the shadow casts in that direction, it also comes in from the foreground :S guess ill have to add more depth to the garage...
about the lighting inside the garage that had to be brighter, i had thought of adding a couple emissive decals so that it wouldnt influence the desert lighting... but it didnt come out so good, if i find any other way ill eventually add it.
thanks everyone for the tips and crits given, and if you guys think there might be something else to be done, please say it
gas station
just totally had a grin on my face scrolling down from the first picture to the last!
keep up the awesome work!!!