For whatever reason, I was under the assumption that you no longer needed to map out a 2nd UV channel when using lightmass. But I've read through some threads on the forum and I'm seeing that people are indeed manually laying out their lightmap UV on channel 2 for meshes.
For some of the stuff I've worked on recently in UDK, I haven't made a 2nd UV channel and when I bake lighting, it doesn't seem off or anything.
Have I been assuming the wrong thing this whole time though and been limiting myself from even better lighting or have I been right? I always thought lightmass made lightmaps a foregone conclusion for whatever reason.
Correct way would be to say that you unwrap UVs for the lightmap texture (the texture which lightmass produces) on another channel.
But that's just me being pedantic :P
Actually you can (and should) bake lighting in Cry Engine 2 (don't know about 3). It bakes a "sky accessibility" texture for terrain, an AO map from what I've seen.