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Forrest/Hobbit Turntable

Hey guys,

I'm on SPRING BREAK! Too bad I need to get some work done. No crazy party's here.

Anyway, I have multiple projects going on right now but I've decided to take something I made for a class last semester and finish it. But first I'm going to take a step back. You see the zbrush element of this was done in a couple hours before I turned it in and it was basically my first time with zbrush. So I'm stepping back to the base mesh made in Maya, then I'm going to bring it into zbrush and do it again. Because the first time was pretty bad.

Here is what I turned in:


Here is pre-zbrush: ***Yes I know it is a big image***


What do you guys think? What should I change? Please focus on the prezbrush version though because there are already a billion things I know I need to change on the zbrush part. :)



  • KennyTies
    Hey awesome start here! Few suggestions for the pre-zbrush res model, maybe a cobble stone walk way, a fence, or some flowers. That is if you are trying to go for a hobbit style. Keep up the great work and I will make sure to follow the progress!
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