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Facial Anatomy Practice

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Torch polycounter
Hi all, have just been trying to improve my understanding of facial anatomy and have learned a lot while reading Scott Spencer's sculpting anatomy book. Even still I was hoping to get some crits as I think the head could be improved a lot - any ideas or points about where I'm going wrong would really help out. Thanks in advance :thumbup:



  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Tried to make the forms more solid and get the ears looking more natural, C&C welcome.

  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    Yo Torch, nice study. Ears look fine, eyes are good, overall shape is solid. The main part that's off now is the mouth and nose region. Mainly, the nose is too big, and the lower jaw/mouth jut out too far. On most people, in profile view, the mouth will sit flush with the eyes, or thereabouts. I used to push my characters' jaws forward without realizing it and it became sort of a style thing, until I realized how anatomically off it was.

    Other things I did.... brought the jaw down a little so the chin could be a little bigger, massaged the naso-labial folds (always massage the labia), and brought the eyes in a little closer to the center of the head

    it's pretty sloppy but hope it helps!

  • Krhiven
    Great work torch! Ears and eyes look great, Ferg has good comments. I find that from the side view the head shape distracted me a little cant say why though or even if I am making a valid point.
    How long did you spend on the sculpt? just curious

    Looks good.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Hey guys, thats some really solid advice thanks! Definitely gonna incorporate that in the next update.

    Krhiven - I think about 4 hours altogether, I'm still pretty new to 'anatomically correct' work but always trying to learn new things :D
  • franman
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    franman polycounter lvl 13
    Wow! amazing Torch, I'm basically doing the same thing as you do but on a much lower poly model ready to be exported to Mudbox.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Hey guys, thanks so much - your comments already helped a hell of a lot and would appreciate more feedback from fresh eyes :)


    Also decided to turn it into a bust, (although he has no arms XD) going for a Rage-Style 'wastelander' feel. Cloth still needs a lot of work, not really happy with it but more to come soon. Cheers!

  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Not really 'facial anatomy' practice anymore, but still :D Quick update, arms still need work!


    Still feel I can improve a lot on my anatomy, got a lot to learn :)
  • MrNinjutsu
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    MrNinjutsu greentooth
    Awesome practices. I think on the last post you could lengthen the arms as they seem a little short, no legs may be the contributing factor there. The fist when closed should reach the nut sack and the elbow should reach the top of the pelvis (at least the reference on my wall shows it). Hope that helped a brother out.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Wow... I just looked at the reference I was using and his arms are almost 1 1/2 or double the size of the ones currently on my model, haha XD Thanks man I wouldn't have spotted that! Will be making that change now, any C&C very welcome :)
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    The anatomy is looking pretty solid, but I have a couple of crits regarding the head. I'm not entirely sure how old this guy is, so some of this may not be as useful as it could be. Anyway, take it with a grain of salt, just as you would any other crtiques.

  • Torch
    Offline / Send Message
    Torch polycounter
    Hi there Swizzle, in terms of age I was trying to go for around mid-late 20's, even early 30's I think. Thanks for the comments, your version looks a lot better than mine :)

    EDIT: Ferg - Thanks for your paintover as well, I tried to incorporate some changes shown but didn't wanna make him look too aged. I'll be making these changes tomorrow!
  • Torch
    Offline / Send Message
    Torch polycounter
    Quick update, wanna Low poly this mofo soon get it done speedy enough :D


    Thanks for all the crits guys, learned a lot - More to come
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