Hi all, have just been trying to improve my understanding of facial anatomy and have learned a lot while reading Scott Spencer's sculpting anatomy book. Even still I was hoping to get some crits as I think the head could be improved a lot - any ideas or points about where I'm going wrong would really help out. Thanks in advance :thumbup:
Other things I did.... brought the jaw down a little so the chin could be a little bigger, massaged the naso-labial folds (always massage the labia), and brought the eyes in a little closer to the center of the head
it's pretty sloppy but hope it helps!
How long did you spend on the sculpt? just curious
Looks good.
Krhiven - I think about 4 hours altogether, I'm still pretty new to 'anatomically correct' work but always trying to learn new things
Also decided to turn it into a bust, (although he has no arms XD) going for a Rage-Style 'wastelander' feel. Cloth still needs a lot of work, not really happy with it but more to come soon. Cheers!
Still feel I can improve a lot on my anatomy, got a lot to learn
EDIT: Ferg - Thanks for your paintover as well, I tried to incorporate some changes shown but didn't wanna make him look too aged. I'll be making these changes tomorrow!
Thanks for all the crits guys, learned a lot - More to come