Nice modeling skills, but you need more finished textured pieces and even better: textured pieces, that are lit and put into a game engine. But good work so far!
nice models man! But i agree with Chris, texturing, lighting and putting it into an engine would make your models look even better!
Btw.. How much time did you get for the epic art test, if you dont mind me asking?
Loving the feedback. It will really help as I make a big push in getting new art onto the site. Going to push for much more textured game art, rendered in real time.
neilberad - totally agree
chrisadsby - thanks! going to try and get more udk stuff up very soon
MiAlx - going to start getting udk work up asap. I had 2 weeks to model
LMP - thanks! totally agree
Dan - going to remove that image, was something out of maya viewport.. Thanks for the heads up!
Snader - love the idea, going to play around with incorporating vertical and horizontal tiles into the site. p.s. the names you came up with are awesome!
jeffro - i'll play around with the background more, thanks!
Btw.. How much time did you get for the epic art test, if you dont mind me asking?
Also, your site is very very grey. Everything is grey, except the wireframe - which is precisely the one thing I'd advise to keep black or grey.
A splash of color would be great. The background is super light too. I would darken that up a smidge.
neilberad - totally agree
chrisadsby - thanks! going to try and get more udk stuff up very soon
MiAlx - going to start getting udk work up asap. I had 2 weeks to model
LMP - thanks! totally agree
Dan - going to remove that image, was something out of maya viewport.. Thanks for the heads up!
Snader - love the idea, going to play around with incorporating vertical and horizontal tiles into the site. p.s. the names you came up with are awesome!
jeffro - i'll play around with the background more, thanks!