I good question came up. Lets say you have tons of reference and inspiration, years worth. would you give it all to just anyone? would you give nothing away? would you give some of it to certain people? will only trade for other ref? are you a selfish person if you decide to withhold reference?
Generally my close mates can have what they like, but anyone outside that is another matter.
Thank you for being a decent human being.
some reference/inspiration can be pretty personal though - in a lot of cases it plays to your own individual stylistic sensibilities or just over all mindset. Like I have a lot of inspiration images that i just like 1 aspect of that might feel totally offbase for other people. Whether it's an idea or a material or lighting or even the feel i get from it or some sentimentality to it somehow or whatever.
but there's a difference between reference and inspiration too. I have no ties to reference. Anyway I think it's pretty kindhearted to give it all out, but i don't think it's necessarily selfish to hang on to it. It's like an artlibrary of all the shit that's inspired and makes up your art from several years of your life haha
why wouldn't you?
dont be a dick
Unless what you're referring to is reference you bought, like anatomical libraries or concept art that was given to a certain publisher.
But now, not so much...
Lets be honest here, how many people have achieved their own personal level of skill w/o the help of anyone ever? the answer is none.
And BTW, the ref images themselves are not some sacred secret. Anyone can find images of just about anything, so like Oniram alluded to, the more you share, the more time it saves EVERYBODY.
Also, to quote Feng Zhu on this again : Reference is not the same as inspiration. WWII airplanes = reference. Metal Gear Solid = inspiration. Copy stuff all you want from an airplane cockpit, but lifting stuff directly from a cool fantasy mecha design from current pop culture is just ... uninspired. Inspirational stuff is stuff to look at to get the art juices flowing, but that's about it!
Also : one's best inspiration is one's own work. Look at the stuff you did last year, what was cool about it, what needs improvement, and so on. It gives a great sense of purpose - something that gigs of cool Gundam pictures cannot do...
ehrm... dafuq? xD
Obelisk and Rock Spire reference, right?
as much as you can gather. the more cock reference the better!
textures, brushes, alphas and stuff like that is another thing though. I wouldn't give those away to easily.
I could see that in some cases, but I hope you wouldn't hold out on Co-Workers. I share everything with em. They help make me a better artist, so I like to return the favor.
i share it all
if my patterns/brushes are all that's keeping me ahead of the curve, i've got bigger problems
The only time I would balk at giving it away would be because of logistics, time or money spent making it organized and accessible could discourage me but it probably wouldn't stop me. If someone asks me for something specific I don't mind digging up what I have and sharing it or crawling around the web to help them out.
No no. Coworkers get it all. That would be silly not to share with coworkers. But if its some random that just sends an email asking hey, can i have your brushes. F off.
...and hilarious when someone sees the folder and you explain "Oh, that, no that's just anatomy reference. For art." and they just go with it. How many careers out there can you legitimately spend part of your work day looking up "boob ref"?
dustin: thanks for sharing dude! Stealing now...
I think the greatest things about a community is sharing, and even helping those not part of the community. We can only all benefit from this.
It's thanks to great altruistic thinking that we're soon getting that amazing 200 page tutorial, free!
I love sharing both inspirational and reference folders, and also taking part of others.
Of course don't give if some one doesn't deserve
Exactly. If they are deserving. sure. Spread the wealth and help your fellow artists out. If they are a little punk, then nah. It's the same thing with crits around here. If people are annoying and undeserving, crits are few and far between. We all know that. So why should brushes be any different.
You beat me to it. All you generous folks, pony up
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Throw in a couple of Eastern artists who did a couple of tentacle images here and there, and you got yourself a nice stew of people wondering what in the world your job entails.
thanks Dustin and Mark, still I don't feel entitled for you 2 to have delivered your hard work gathering art that resonates with you personally or consider anyone a jerk for thinking a different way - we all do art for different reasons, goals, and ideals. I just think it's awesome of you to do. :thumbup:
a lot of this is actually stuff that's a little less personal and abstract than what I was thinking. I guess it's all semantics as to what you personally consider reference and inspiration and what your artistic priorities are when considering giving out ALL of the seemingly non-sequitor imagery and media that have ever inspired you individually over the years haha. Especially depending on how many gigs and how abstracted the inspiration is - my folder structure doesnt differentiate
I'll have to find a way to upload or link some stuff too once i organize anything. For more technical stuff too there's always the reference thread to anyone who doesn't know of it. I always feel dirty for hosting tons of other people's work without their permission, i have a folder for so many of your guys work haha :poly122:
And my favorite of them all:
Reference Reference!
Figure Drawings, Muybridge etc.
Jim Jagger demoreel (for inspiration)
Getty Images
Body Mechanics, slow mo
military combat scene
boxer punch
some more links