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Big cube map pack



  • Mr_Drayton
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    Mr_Drayton polycounter lvl 14
    Cubemaps! :Q___

    Many kudos to you, thanks a lot for this giant pack-o-cubemaps!
  • Eric Chadwick
    Hey kodde, nice job, & nice share. My first thought though was... did you contact Emil to ask if this was OK? Also are you including his info in your readme?

    I think attribution is important, also people should know about rules for commercial use. Can you post your readme? I would love to link to this from the wiki.

    Here's the readme from Humus (Emil).

    This is the work of Emil Persson, aka Humus.

    Legal stuff

    This work is free and may be used by anyone for any purpose
    and may be distributed freely to anyone using any distribution
    media or distribution method as long as this file is included.
    Distribution without this file is allowed if it's distributed
    with free non-commercial software; however, fair credit of the
    original author is expected.
    Any commercial distribution of this software requires the written
    approval of Emil Persson.
  • kodde
    Offline / Send Message
    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    You're welcome guys.

    Eric> Thanks!

    Yeah I have read the terms of using his source material and I am including his readme as required. Unfortunately the torrent jramauri created seems to mess up and stop at 99.9% and is not properly downloading the readmes :(

    It's all there in the links to the RARs. Also, I'd say I'm crediting him all over the place. Even in the package name.

    I did not contact Emil about this package as I am using it under the conditions defined by Emil. However I did email him a while back to say thanks for sharing all the nice environment photos.

    There's two readmes included.

    The ___kodde_readme.txt
    Kodde's humus.name pre blurred cube maps pack v1

    All of the source material for these cube maps was aquired humus.name who is generous enough to share this with the 3D internet community. For information on rights to the source material for the cubemaps in this pack read the "__humus_readme.txt".

    Feel free to use the cube maps I have generated for whatever purpose you would like. If you use it commercially credit me accordingly. Feel free to credit me even for non-commercial work if you want to, although you are not required to.

    In this package you will find ALL environment packs available from humus.name (2012-03-15), the expection is the "Earth" package which I was unable to process for some to me unknown reason.

    Each environment has been processed through ATI's CubeMapGen software. They are 1024px at mip 0. "Mip Initial Filter Angle" is set at 3 to blur the mips. This is because these cube maps are intended to be used in conjunction with a shader which utilizes pre blurred mip levels such as my realtime shaders "KoddeShader 2.0" and "TGA PBL shader" for the Autodesk Maya viewport. They are stored as uncompress A8R8G8B8 DDSs.

    If you have any feedback or questions you can reach me at [email]kostas.gialitakis(a)mail.com[/email]. To visit my shader site go to kostas.se.

    and also __humus_readme.txt

    This is the work of Emil Persson, aka Humus.

    Legal stuff

    This work is free and may be used by anyone for any purpose
    and may be distributed freely to anyone using any distribution
    media or distribution method as long as this file is included.
    Distribution without this file is allowed if it's distributed
    with free non-commercial software; however, fair credit of the
    original author is expected.
    Any commercial distribution of this software requires the written
    approval of Emil Persson.
  • JR
    Offline / Send Message
    JR polycounter lvl 15
    Hey Kodde, have you tried the steps I suggested? They worked for me, my torrent is 100% now. From what I'm seeing it's working for other people too, as I'm seeing some seeds online.

    Anyway, here are the additional files (read me and preview sheet), that could be missing on torrent. Just unzip to the same folder where maps are.

  • Parralax
    Offline / Send Message
    Parralax polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks man, sure these will come in useful and save me so much time
  • soulstice
    Offline / Send Message
    soulstice polycounter lvl 9
    Wow awesome, thanks alot! :)
  • kodde
    Offline / Send Message
    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    You're welcome guys.

    jramauri> Yes I have, did not work :(
    Also, if you had the last 0.1%, why isn't my torrent just snatching them from your seed? I've had mine running for well over 24h now.
  • Olli.
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    Olli. polycounter lvl 8
    is there a way to use these in max?
    adding the dds as the environmental map just uses 1 of the 6 sides inside the cubemap..

    the only way ive figured out so far is dissecting the dds file in photoshop, saving as 6 separate textures, then adding it to a cube model in 6 separate submats, but its REALLY tedious and takes like 15 mins to do per map.

    and im talking about mental ray rendering here.. cube map seems to work fine in viewport renderers like xoliuls
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Olli> No idea. I'm a Maya man myself, and I'm usually always working with real-time rendering so cube maps is all I'm ever using so far. Maybe someone else knows some neat tricks.

    By the way, you could just go to humus.name and get the highres package with 6 sides instead. That's where I got all my source material from.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Yep, go to the source.

    +X -X +Y -Y +Z -Z in 3ds Max terms is: RT, LF, UP, DN, BK, FR
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    This may be off topic, but how do you use these in Unreal? The cube map's seem to be layed out differently.
  • Guedin
    Offline / Send Message
    Guedin polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you so much, it's really appreciated
  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    thanks kodde! great resource!
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Thanks very much, this is very helpful for some internal prototyping I'm doing at the moment. If you ever get the chance it would be nice to have them without alpha channels since I can't see the thumbnails in windows explorer.
  • curro astorza
    Thank you so much! this is a very useful stuff.
    Check my 3d freebies at www.astorza.net
  • daelon
    wow man, that cubemaps are great! and free! what means double great! thanks for sharing. Also very interesting stuff in yout website ;)
  • kodde
    Offline / Send Message
    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    You're welcome daelon, and thanks :)
    There's this cube map pack as well if you are interested.
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