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(Urgent) Eidos Montreal is looking for an Environment Artist for a AAA project

Eidos Montreal is looking for an Environment Artist to join our team on a kick-ass beloved AAA franchise.

  • This position is on-site in Montreal.
  • Because of the urgency of this position we will only consider candidates that are Canadien Citizens, Canadian Permanent Residents or candidate who already own a valid open work permit.
    • We will consider other candidates for future needs
  • You should be able to relocate (with our assistance) quickly if you are not already in Montreal.
  • This is for an unnanounced project but for an exciting and known franchise.
  • Develop, in close collaboration with a Level Designer, the artistic creation of a game level;
  • Create the level architecture, in close collaboration with the Modelers and Texturers;
  • Optimize the objects and environments, depending on the programming and game design constraints;
  • Participate in the creation of textures in order to make the objects and environments credible according to the game story and the art direction;
  • Model objects and environments according to the game design;
  • Develop the modeling while taking into account the graphic references corresponding to the art direction.
  • University or college diploma in 3D Art, or equivalent training;
  • 3 to 5 years experience in the industry as a Level Artist; modeling environments and assets
  • At least 1 published video game title, preferably new generation, as a Level Artist;
  • Experience creating objects or environments with 3D software as well as with 2D art application;
  • Good technical/artistic balance;
  • Ability to adapt own art to the unique style and vision of our artistic direction;
  • Good sense of responsibilities;
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Be focused on achieving superior results;
  • Ability to work as part of a team;
  • Ability to think analytically and synthetically.
Send your resume + portfolio directly at:

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