Hi hi, I'm starting a new project designing and modeling a gun that shoots something other than bullets. I'm a fan of Dr. Grordbort's rayguns, so I'm using that as a point of inspiration to make my own gun that, in this case, generates lightning for awesome destruction purposes. Here's some of the reference:

And my concept:

I guess my goal is to create something that, even though I know next to nothing about guns, makes sense as a gun and could fit into that Grordbort style

Let me know if you like the concept and I'll get to modeling soon!
And here is the high poly:
Needs a bit more tweaking but I wanted to get some feedback :]
And by that he means guns that shoot lightning, especially older "steampunk" style designs. You'll find a whole lot of Lightning guns use Tesla in the name because of his connections to electricity (Kevin's gun for example) Apparently he was actually attempting to create such a gun up until his death.
- On the ribs of the bottom of the, change it to circular disk ribs and see how it affects the silhouette in fps view.
- For the trigger and trigger guard loop look into Winchester rifles large loops, seems a bit thin atm, and Winchesters are good refs for ornate engravings.
- Try to make the stock using a cylinder as a base shape instead of a cube, you have rounded edges not a round shape.
- I would lose that large blob thing on the back, it's out of place and isn't really detailed enough for being that close to the player. Take a look at Mauser C-96 refs or a revolver hammer and see if those make it more interesting.
Model the outer sphere, which will simply be a glass style shader, and model the stand for the inner sphere. The rest would be handled with a particle system within the appropriate game engine.
So here's the low poly:
And with normals and ao:
i really like the design tho. I'm wondering how you will handle the glass bubble. Is there geometry inside the bubble?? something that we will see when the transparent material is applied to it?
Also! First pass texture render from max: