I've been following this webpage for longtime, and seen a lot of amazing works, until now i didn't want to post any of my works because i didn't had the feeling that had the right level but i need some feedback now and i decided to post. So recently i aplied for a job ofert for a game company (not sure if i can post the name, actualy not sure neither about the concept) and they responded with a test, i have to recreate a scene from one of the concepts that they sended, in 50.000 poligons and 6 textures of 4096x4096 px, here is the concept:

And here is what i've done so far, i know that the illumination sucks but still i didn't get into it:

So i started also with the painting of some buildings, the first the one that is on the far right:

Any C&C is welcomed! Thanks!
PD: sorry if i had any mistake, i'm not a native english talker.