Thank you biofrost :] I'll work on the barrel spec some more. Still working on the spec for some of the other areas too - I accidentally made some parts completely black :x
if that's a screw at the top rear by the way, give it a bit of a rotation so the flat slot isn't horizontal, otherwise it doesn't really read as a screw/bolt.
I really like what you did with the water container as well. Where is the reflection on the container coming from/how is your material set up for that?
Looking good! Really liking all the little design tweaks you've made along the way. One tiny nitpick is that you really should get into the habbit of annotating your material nodes, so a, people know what they are and b, so that you know what they are in 2 months time when you forgot what all those numbers mean. It may not be that important in small shaders like this but bigger ones will cause you issues unless you start commenting things :P
Could you explain why you used a multiply node in the diffuse slot for the glass shader? It doesnt seem to be doing anything besides adding instructions...
shaders look nice. any particular reason that you arent using a vector transform or a cubemap texture sample for the reflections? are they actually cubes or just a bitmap?
Along the same lines, you should change the emissive red and cyan to not need the 10x multiply. Or if that doesn't work because variables can't exceed 1.0, at least place the multiply after the add.
Glass Shader:
Gun Shader: