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[WIP] Bloodletter gun

polycounter lvl 14
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KyleJensen polycounter lvl 14
Here's a design for an inverse dart-type gun. Instead of shooting darts that inject chemicals, It shoots spikes that drain the target of blood/bodily fluid. It's designed to be relatively small, but very destructive to the target's body.

Shape ref/inspiration:


First lineup of silhouettes:


Projectile concept:

Each spike projectile has a pump that reacts to bodily movement once attached; the more the target moves or tries to extract the spike, the more blood gets pumped out. If the target stays still, the blood pumps will pump more slowly. This is supposed to discourage the target from running away, as each step they take will only decrease their chance of survival.


I'll post updates as I make progress on this.

Crits/Comments are appreciated. :D


  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Sounds like it's off to a promising start, but I couldn't really comment until there's something more solid to see :)
  • Xelan101
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    Xelan101 polycounter lvl 14
    I'm leaning towards #4 or #12 and projectile C

    a couple things I think would help sell this design are

    1. More violent shapes, this is a gun centers around the concept of draining your blood, a very scary prospect, so more sharp angry pointed shapes would really emphasize that you don't want to mess with whoever is carrying this thing. Considering its vampiric function you may want to even add like a twin fang/spike motif to it.

    2. Think about why they would build a gun that pumps blood out, is it just demoralizing? Do these people think the blood of their enemies is precious in some way either to the shooter or the victim (beyond bodily function of course)? Do they need it for some ritual? Or in order to survive, or to feed some sort of pet/companion?

    Which leads to my final question

    3. Would the dart be attached to the gun after firing? If so have you considered a blood reservoir on the gun, which would help tie into a potential use for the blood, and if not and the dart just sprays blood into the air with abandon, why? why go to the trouble to build something that pumps blood out of a victim if it's only to kill or capture them, which a regular projectile or net gun could do

    Definitely don't have to take all my advice but I just thought they might be some good things to think about especially this early in the design. I'm looking forward to seeing this finished :D
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the feedback, guys.

    I've made the shapes more sinister. Small blood reservoir added.

    @xelan: I wanted it to drain the blood because if you drain enough the body becomes really weak. This isn't a shoot-to-kill gun unless the victim/target decides to make a run for it. I could experiment with extraction components and collection basins. Thanks!

    @SasoChicken: I'll revisit the darts after I get going on the rest of the gun.

    Here's some new iterations:


    Crits and comments are appreciated. :D
  • KSMO
    Im liking how #2 is looking. I like whats happening with the barrel area. Im not so sure about the back part though. I feel like the Darts should maybe load into the gun and a diagonal angle. try to emulate the somewhat organic shapes on the front.

    Also i notice that the shapes ur working with remind me of the Brute weaponry in the Halo series. Maybe take a look at some of those.

  • Xelan101
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    Xelan101 polycounter lvl 14
    I'm really liking #2 as well, feels a lot more dangerous and intimidating now.

    As for the reasoning I suppose that makes sense, just trying to put some more story behind it,
    It seems like to me then it'd be the kind of thing a slave driver might use to capture new merchandise. Tag them with one of these darts and they have two options, stay put and be captured or run and die trying.
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the feedback. I had started modeling gun #2 as a high poly, but I just wasn't feeling it. Gun 2 was cool, but it's way too alien for what I'm aiming for with this gun. My gut feeling is to go with gun #1, so I'm sticking with that.



    Current blockout:


    More updates to come. Crits/comments are appreciated. :)
  • PLing
    Xelan101 had good points but I think I liked the original premise of a clean assasin's tool more rather than fanged and stylized fantasy gun. Functional and efficent forms to decorated and exaggarated ones. But that's just my personal prerence, I think the concept is fairly original either way. :)
  • pmcgowan
    I totally agree with Xelan101 - your first silouhettes were very tame (look like they were from 'The Incredibles') they didnt do the concept justice.

    Number 1 is definitely the best of those three; I think the concept lends itself to the kind of dark eldar vibe you're getting at with this most recent iteration. Practically speaking this gun would be a 1-4 shot officer/specialist weapon so I don't mind the ammo stacked up in the back, it just adds to the whole "don't fuck with me" aura the gun exudes!

    subscribed :)
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the feedback, guys.

    Here's an update of the high poly:




    Crits/Comments are appreciated. :)
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 20
    looking real clean. i'm a bit worried about the overall edge tightness on a few areas. The main body should look ok since you've got some nice double bevels going on, but from the trigger guard down, and the rack that holds the darts, i'd loosen things up a bit
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the crits. I softened up the edge control and made some more adjustments to the high poly. I also went ahead and baked this down.

    High Poly:


    Low Poly (sitting in at 6,332 tris):




    Normals might need to be cleaned up a bit, but here's the map. I baked it at 2048, but scaled it down to 1024 here.


    Gonna get started on textures shortly. Crits/comments are greatly appreciated.:)
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    You forgot to list the Sydney Opera House as a reference. =P

    Your lowpoly is very inefficient. You've got an edge around the sides of the shells that contribute literally nothing to the silhouette, and plenty of chamfers that do very little. Let the normal map handle small crevices, and use your geometry to make a very smooth silhouette.

    Your darts would work much better as a 12-or-so-sided cylinder with tapered ends than the rectangle with a bunch of chamfers you have now. You should also get rid of the center line on the handle, trigger etc. First of all it'll save some tris. Second, spending that very narrow strip of unique textures will get rid of the rorschach/butterfly effect you see when mirroring.
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the crits, man. I'll get right to it. :D
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    Why did you reduce the large curved surfaces but then retain tight, nearly invisible bevels?
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 14
    I just wanted to try it out, but I'm fixing it since those weren't really adding anything. Right now I'm in the process of getting rid those bevels and adding curvature to the larger shapes on my low poly.
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 14
    Chamfers are gone, more curvature added, texture progress.



    WIP Textures:





    Crits/comments are appreciated. :D
  • Chicken Dip
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    Chicken Dip polycounter lvl 8
    it feels to uniform in my opinion... maybe you can make the inside of those Gold knobs like a bright light blue... basically like a light shining... maybe add like a logo or something... because it just seems to brown for now... but good progress so far
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the crits. Made some quick emissives. How does it look?

  • pmcgowan
    the light makes sense emitting from the two largest points, but the others seem like screw heads so seeing them light up seems a bit off :/

    the scratches are too heavy and uniform, i'd tone them way down except for the parts that will logically see more wear (edges). Is the second map the specular?
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the crits. Yeah that second map is a spec map. I've reduced the amount of scratches on the surface of the gun and I've included a variation of the gun's emissives.


    All these maps are 2048 each, but I've scaled them down to fit on a single 2048:


    I appreciate all the feedback I've gotten on this prop. I'm moving onto a new project now, but crits and comments on this prop are still welcomed. :)
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    -scratched parts seem weirdly bright even though they're dark on diffuse map
    -texture could use more variety of hues
    -dark paint lines are totally unaffected by scratches, they look like someone added them after gun got worn
  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
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