This is a scene I've been working on in order to learn normal mapping and modular level design. Its based off an old piece of concept art for Deus Ex: Human Revolution So far I've been using Modo to model the HP and LP and Maya/xNormal for the normal/AO baking as well as unity free for the real time engine.

I took a few of the in engine shots as well as textures sheets with me to GDC and got some excellent critiques from Wyeth Johnson (Thanks Wyeth!) during the portfolio review session on Friday. Here's the rundown on some of what he said...
- Add details you would normally see in an interior space (trim along floor and ceiling, handrails at stairs, etc...)
- Better/Brighter lighting and composition
- Push the modularity further (better use of UV's)
- Make the transitions between surfaces more seamless and natural
I'd love to hear any other comments, critiques, suggestions or requests any of you may have. As of right now I'm taking a step back and rethinking my approach.
However, before I get that far I'll be making a list of the pieces that will be needed to flesh out the core of the space. I'll start with simple shapes bringing them into unity and making sure they work well together and can create the size and type of space I'm going for. After that I'll think about how the textures will be laid out and which pieces can share the same UV's to make the best use of textures space.
I've been looking into whether several large textures (1024x1024) is better than many smaller ones (512x512) in terms of memory usage and loading. So far it seems like its more about a balance between the two.
If you anyone has any suggestions I'd be interested in hearing them.
The hallway feels very tall but I plan on adding other props and such that will hang from the ceiling and the walls that will reduce that. I may also reduce the height of some of the modules to help with that as well. Nothing fancy so far with the textures, just a diffuse and normal.
I'm also still figuring out how to set the lighting up correctly and why the lightmaps look so muddy even when I increase their size. However there will be a few light sources in the scene that will emit light so I may hold off on doing anything else with that till those are in the scene.
Looking for any thoughts or suggestions.
Thanks, they are fixed now.
I may also mess with the height of some of the upper wall pieces again but other than that I'll start moving onto creating the modular variants and reworking some of the texture sets.
As always any suggestions, ideas or crits would be awesome!
While a definitely learned a lot about the UDK, I spent way too much time making huge changes on ideas that should have been better planned from the beginning. Something I'll be working on for the next scene. I'm interested to hear any thoughts or critiques you all may have.
Here's the final concept I went with. (from the collectors edition guide)
The lack of detail on the floor. The concept has more signs, lines, painted stripes, text, etc etc. Without this detail breaking it up, its just a large flat surface that takes up a lot of the image. If this is an industrial/lab area there would be warnings, arrows, path markers and other stuff on the floor.
The silhouette of the room is essentially a box. The hallway you had in your 4-29 update at least had a somewhat more interesting shape to look at. The concept has the right side wall SEEMING like its slanted slightly, giving the room a bit of subtle variation from just a box. I would attempt to get some of that business in there.
The concept has some really cool lights and shadows casting from inside those rooms, as well as some shadows from the rafters and other junk on the ceiling. That sort of thing can add a lot to a scene, and in the concept the contrast between those rooms and the larger area work really well.
I think with a bit more work you could polish this scene into a really great piece. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the Crits!
I went ahead and added the decals to the floor and everywhere else that they appear in the concept. While this isn't an industrial environment (it's a concept based off the first part of Deus Ex Human Revolution) you were right with how well the details on the floor served to break it up and make it look more interesting.
I also agree that the silhouette of the room is rather bland because it is just a box. I'll see what I can do regarding changing the silhouette to make it a little more interesting. I did really like the slanted wall in my 4-29 update so I'll use that as a starting point.
Thanks again for all the feedback Cap! Here are a few new screenshots with the changes I mentioned in my previous post.
The only problem I have is I don't even like the concept cause it's so empty and uninteresting(loved the game though)
I tried my hand at doing some sort of paintover, you decide if you want to follow that direction.
I'll also see what I can do about making the lights in the side room on the left have that glow to them. I also like the vent in the back, I still have some room on the texture set I'm using so I can certainly add that in. In fact I can probably just use what I already have to get something just as good.
Thanks a ton for the paintover!
I wish you slanted the right wall even more though, like I tried to do in my paintover.
I wonder if you should find some more objects to add, stray away from the concept some, cause right now the whole middle of the hallway is empty.