Hey guys,
Here's a scene I have worked on for a bit, I started it mid last year and got side tracked with dragon age2, skyrim etc but recently got made redundant so I had no excuses not to finish it up. It's s viking style fishing village set somewhere in sweden, based heavily on [ame=
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7uXZSowFPw]this video[/ame].
I went a bit overboard with it, making each house have its own prop set up outside, wasted a lot of time redoing shaders etc. Badly planned I guess but I'm pretty pleased with the result. I made a whole bunch of props and junk that weren't needed.
Anyways, it's supposed to be a fresh crisp morning and I hope it reads that way. I'm pretty much done with it and have exhausted my self on it, but any feedback on it would be appreciated:

I've attempted a fly through video which can be found here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF5muDT64OU&feature=relmfu"]UDK Midgard - YouTube[/ame]
- but be warned it goes for 10 minutes, I intend making a shorter one but had so much stuff to show so I went nuts.
it's 6am here in Australia so I'm going to bed. I'll post more pics if you guys are interested.
I love the atmosphere, any chances of you showing some texture sheets for the buildings/boats? I loved them.
Too bad on being made redundant. Always sucks to see that happent to a felllow Australian. Your work is great though; I'm sure you'll find another studio to take you on.
smo, i am disappoint.
Kira 4 year old and Nick 35 year old
I'll only nitpick on the water which looks very flat and static, this could have been pushed further with Cry engine for example.
I have no doubt you'll find a job soon with such an impressive achievement! If only you were in the UK I think we'd get in the process with you at the minute :P
The only niggle I have, is the wattle fencing. The weave is wrong on the fences, though right on the houses. It's extremley minor and totally inconsequential, I'm just a stickler for small details
Amazing work
Beat me too it. Other than that (very minor) nitpick, this is fantastic work.
The only critisism I'd have on these lovely pieces is the alpha mapping on some of the foliage - looks a bit rough around the edges (especially the trees in the background, they look a bit like cardboard cutouts and sort of jerk you out of the atmosphere of the scene when you notice them). Couldn't hurt to make it blend a bit nicer.
Other than that, I'd love to see more.
Nice scene too
Kennyties: Yeah the cart is pretty big now that I look at it, also you are right - the pillars come up straight through the planks, they have textured 'holes' but they don't read from anywhere but right next to them.
Coots7: .... damn it
Paroxum: Thanks, I took alot of inspiration from your helms deep when starting this one. The water is abit munted (my fault) and I sort of regret not trying this in CE3 for the water, I think my next scene will be!
Superostrich - The Mad Artist: yeah it does come out as very rigid, the wobbles and such that I did were too small to be read. Village terrain also is flatly boring I agree 110%!
Deadlyfreeze: I think I ended up making around 200 individual assets, maybe more - including rocks and houses.
Shoy333: the only modular pieces are the structures - walls, docks, houses, fences, wooden walks. I made most things at high res, scaling down in game. I'll post up some props and break downs of some of the nicer props (some are pretty rushed poop).
Fade Aolani: thanks I spent abit of item of those boats
Neolight: conan has an awesome soundtrack and is an awesome game !
I will post some break downs of houses and some texture sheets in a few hours, hopefully it doesn't ruin the illusion :0
Edit: Just saw the first video, doh!
And the outskirts looked a bit... clean? Like all the trees look the same, there's no variation.
How was it editing this piece near the end? As I imagine lots of unique assets would slow your system down a bit while working on the scene.
Were there any performance optimisations that you followed while making this?
Again though, top work
Could easily fit in The Witcher 2.
A lot of wasted spaces but I had nothing to put in there
The orig diffuse was made at 4096/2048 and scaled, the tri count sits at 12,489.
Here's a breakdown of one of the houses:
Colour coded for easier reading, a few more texture sheets for differing roofing, patterns, doors and other accessories. This made for a fair few combinations of housing, there were also a few meshes for smaller and shorter houses, along with a few shaders for faded / crappy paint jobs.
Lastly here's some of the smaller props:
Sorry for the spamming of images, I hope this helps!
I like the variations in the wood. Looking forward to see more!
Simply astounding.
I hope you get a gig real soon!
There's more screens here: http://mrsmo3d.com/albums/midgard/album/index.html
and a few WIP shots here:
Very inspirational stuff, love it.
I vote for adding this to the banner rotation
some people have asked for the water shader so i've packed it up and uploaded it here:
it's made from the tut by Chris Albeluhn here: http://www.chrisalbeluhn.com/UT3_Water_Reflection_Tutorial.html.
i just made it messier but hope it comes in handy for others.
A few notes about the vegetation though, it doesnt feel as norse as the atmosphere, you should add some fern! : ))) I also think that you could benefit from adding some more smaller rocks etc to break up the ground, like larger gravel etc. : )
I am going to go ahead and agree with Snefer though. With the symmetrical hull you probably could have mirrored a good portion of the texture on that boat and used decals to break it up a bit. But meh, its personal work and it looks amazing.
Thanks heaps for showing the texture sheets and breakdown.
Ps. Your characters link looks broken on your website
Would you be so kind as to give us some insight into your process of organizing, laying out, and populating your scene?
I always feel like thats the knowledge I'm missing, I can create assets all day, but I can never figure out the right approach to level building.