I'm hoping to see some awesome games come out of the current kickstarting trend. I'm just hoping noone sets a bad precedent for everyone else by failing to deliver.
honestly i think none of the game news from last 7 years made me as excited as Wasteland 2, as well as the whole idea of niche audiences funding games themselves and in return getting the experience that THEY want, without all the "immershun", "awsum and unique cinematic experience", "appealing to broad audiences", etc.
if the kickstarter system stands the test of time, this is the kind of project that i really want to be working on if i get into industry.
I'm hoping to see some awesome games come out of the current kickstarting trend. I'm just hoping noone sets a bad precedent for everyone else by failing to deliver.
I wish them success and i'm pretty sure they'll hit their goal at this point. My main concern with this project is they don't have a core developement team, they have everything else, idea guys, music, story, concept art. They simply don't have the meat and potatoes on board to make this game, we'll see though, maybe with all the fandom surrounding the game they can get some passionate game artists and programmers on board.
I wish them success and i'm pretty sure they'll hit their goal at this point. My main concern with this project is they don't have a core developement team, they have everything else, idea guys, music, story, concept art. They simply don't have the meat and potatoes on board to make this game, we'll see though, maybe with all the fandom surrounding the game they can get some passionate game artists and programmers on board.
Woops, didn't stand out from the video or their kickstarter page that they had a studio behind them. They look decent enough. Well lets see how this goes.
Woops, didn't stand out from the video or their kickstarter page that they had a studio behind them. They look decent enough. Well lets see how this goes.
He most likely thought that was for granted considering he opened it up 10 years ago
I went ahead and backed it because I love oldschool RPGs, and new ones are awesome!
It's already at nearly half the goal and its been one day! Good for them - this will be cool.
On the subject, what are some other oldschool RPG style games in recent years? Spiderweb has the Avodon/Geneforge but those are a bit...rough on the eyes. Eschalon Book 2 was good (at least the demo)
It would be the first time a developer took millions of dollars from the end-customer without delivering.
I think there's some rules where you actually have to deliver the things you promise in the rewards, including the game, but nothing states that the game has to be in any kind of shape.
Divide it by about twnety and it's probably a more realistic figure - unless they have a massive outsourcing side we don't know about...
Or a bigger casual market production on the side, linkedin says 50-200, the 200 is crazy enough that it probably pulls numbers from anywhere in relation to the company, but 50 is more logical, and I haven't heard about any layoffs or massive contract-endings.
They have made quite a few triple-a games, and that requires employees.
Wish I could throw more money at them to get them to like 3 million, that would be fantastic. We'll see where they go, though. Excited for the first batch of media updates from them, for sure.
Did they say anything about the battle system? The game sounds quite promising, but people might be disappointed if combat doesn't offer tactical challenge.
Regardless, I will support them. I'm not a huge fan of post-apocalyptic settings, but I want old school cRPG's back; I will take anything I'm given.
Then, there's also that Enahnced Edition of Baldur's Gate. Christmas has come early this year.
^ It seems all we know for sure is that it will be turn based.
There were some hints that combat will be more tactical than wasteland 1 though.
It's also confirmend that the game's mechanics are going to be influenced by fallout 1&2, fallout tactics, baldur's gate, arcanum etc but at the moment it's unknown how big will that influence be.
It's also confirmend that the game's mechanics are going to be influenced by fallout 1&2, fallout tactics, baldur's gate, arcanum etc but at the moment it's unknown how big will that influence be.
Ha! That's all I needed to know It's been a while since we have gotten a proper cRPG.
On a semi-related note, Doublefine just shot past 3 million dollars with 8 hours remaining.
No Kidding!!!!
Can someone get Monolith to start a 'No One Lives Forever 3' Kickstarter????
honestly i think none of the game news from last 7 years made me as excited as Wasteland 2, as well as the whole idea of niche audiences funding games themselves and in return getting the experience that THEY want, without all the "immershun", "awsum and unique cinematic experience", "appealing to broad audiences", etc.
if the kickstarter system stands the test of time, this is the kind of project that i really want to be working on if i get into industry.
...and Tron 3.0 please
It wouldn't be the first time a big name developer released an unfinished game
But more seriously: they'll release the finished product in whatever form it is, they won't scrap a year of development.
http://www.inxile-entertainment.com/ is a staffed development studio is it not?
Wikipedia even says 200 employees, not sure how accurate that number is though.
YES. Do it. DO IT.
He most likely thought that was for granted considering he opened it up 10 years ago
First then need to make one for Shogo Mobile Armor Division 2:)
It's already at nearly half the goal and its been one day! Good for them - this will be cool.
On the subject, what are some other oldschool RPG style games in recent years? Spiderweb has the Avodon/Geneforge but those are a bit...rough on the eyes. Eschalon Book 2 was good (at least the demo)
I'm looking at you, Eld.
534k already!!
Two words. Contract Jack. As much as I'd like to see a fourth game, I don't want to see another abomination like that prequel.
It would be the first time a developer took millions of dollars from the end-customer without delivering.
Divide it by about twnety and it's probably a more realistic figure - unless they have a massive outsourcing side we don't know about...
I think there's some rules where you actually have to deliver the things you promise in the rewards, including the game, but nothing states that the game has to be in any kind of shape.
Or a bigger casual market production on the side, linkedin says 50-200, the 200 is crazy enough that it probably pulls numbers from anywhere in relation to the company, but 50 is more logical, and I haven't heard about any layoffs or massive contract-endings.
They have made quite a few triple-a games, and that requires employees.
I'm loving the return of these types of games, and in many ways the directions the whole game industry is taking with many indie developers maturing.
If they'd do a kickstarter for fallout 3... I mean "fallout 2: 3" I'd be in heaven.
I hope these kickstarter projects turn out well. They have big expectations to live up to.
The real question now is whether they can catch up with Mr Schafer's gravy train.
Rpg's always had a bigger following than point and click adventure games, and nowadays everyone knows of fallout because of fallout 3.
Wish I could throw more money at them to get them to like 3 million, that would be fantastic. We'll see where they go, though. Excited for the first batch of media updates from them, for sure.
You are *kind of* in luck.
Not that I personally endorse the project - the crowdsourced part sounds a bit iffy. But it's something.
yeah, it looks okay for now. not sure how the crowdsourced-alpha-and-publisher-paid-rest will work out, though.
more excited by this: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/03/22/making-a-house-call-intruder/
Regardless, I will support them. I'm not a huge fan of post-apocalyptic settings, but I want old school cRPG's back; I will take anything I'm given.
Then, there's also that Enahnced Edition of Baldur's Gate. Christmas has come early this year.
There were some hints that combat will be more tactical than wasteland 1 though.
It's also confirmend that the game's mechanics are going to be influenced by fallout 1&2, fallout tactics, baldur's gate, arcanum etc but at the moment it's unknown how big will that influence be.
Can't wait to see this
Ha! That's all I needed to know
this will be awesome
second concept art was released:
colors feel a bit bland but overall it looks great. i especially like the vegetation.
The fallout (no pun intended) should be that jobs which weren't there, are created for those that need them.