This is my sculpt and poly paint of Shane from The Walking Dead TV series. If you haven't watched it, you're missing out and will never survive a zombie apocalyse. If you do watch it, consider this a tribute to the poor guy.
lesson number one from polycount forums: never read anything related to the walking dead here... gotten major spoilers for the last episode where dale, well... you know...
Hayden Zammit: Haha, yeah totally, some hands would help sell it. That dude has some excited hands, saw an interview and he was on hands overdrive mode.
WarrenMarshall: Thanks man.
MrNinjutsu, Boyso and yodude87: Sorry guys. Didn't mean to plant the seed for spoilers to grow from.
jeffro: Thanks. I was wrestling with the correct amount of dbag on this one. Didn't mean to short change the guy.
KennyTies: Having a good amount of first hand experience with facial bruises, I had lots of reference to pull from! ;]
spectre1130: Thanks. I think I'm going to do some expression morphs on this at least. After the Rick sculpt.
On a serious note: very nice work.
And nice sculpt! I immediately recognized him...
Thanks a lot bro for the spoiler! Use freaking spoiler tags next time.
Otherwise it looks pretty good.
lesson number one from polycount forums: never read anything related to the walking dead here... gotten major spoilers for the last episode where dale, well... you know...
and now this.
Hayden Zammit: Haha, yeah totally, some hands would help sell it. That dude has some excited hands, saw an interview and he was on hands overdrive mode.
WarrenMarshall: Thanks man.
MrNinjutsu, Boyso and yodude87: Sorry guys. Didn't mean to plant the seed for spoilers to grow from.
jeffro: Thanks. I was wrestling with the correct amount of dbag on this one. Didn't mean to short change the guy.
KennyTies: Having a good amount of first hand experience with facial bruises, I had lots of reference to pull from! ;]
spectre1130: Thanks. I think I'm going to do some expression morphs on this at least. After the Rick sculpt.