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glottis8 polycounter lvl 9

I didn't see a thread on this game and i just ran through it this morning. Wow to that game... this game was something else. Anyone else playing this? Great storytelling i think, the world is beautiful, and the shades of colors make this game super dramatic. I just really loved it. Don't go online and read about it, or watch much of the trailers. I think everyone here will appreciate this game up to some point.

If you have not played it PLAY IT!



  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    This and Bioshock Infinite are the two games I've been looking forward to all year to play.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I am personally quite pissed at the way Sony handled the release by making it a PSNplus "get it first" title.

    Basically here in the US it is still not playable yet for regular PSN players. I have been waiting for this game for months, got super excited last week thinking it was out, only to realize I wasn't allowed to play it. I think this will actually hurt the sales of the title and that's a shame ...

    (still - can't wait for tomorrow!!)
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Oh yea... you are right... i got it through psn plus.. and it had a discount on it. Still! This game is a must play. I can't wait to get talking to people about it.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    pior wrote: »
    I am personally quite pissed at the way Sony handled the release by making it a PSNplus "get it first" title.

    Basically here in the US it is still not playable yet for regular PSN players. I have been waiting for this game for months, got super excited last week thinking it was out, only to realize I wasn't allowed to play it. I think this will actually hurt the sales of the title and that's a shame ...

    (still - can't wait for tomorrow!!)

    PS+ is actually well worth it. For the free PSOne games alone. Especially if you have a PSP (or a Vita, once they get around to adding PSOne emulation).
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    So sad this isn't on PC, looks amazing, gonna have to find a PS3 for this and a few others eventually...
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
  • Axios
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    Axios polycounter lvl 10
    Wow. Just wow. That was one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. thatgamecompany stuns me every time.
  • Ben Apuna
    I wish this was on PC (and Mac and Linux) also... :(

    There's an interesting documentary perhaps similar to Indie Game the Movie trying to get funded on kickstarter that follows the developers at thatgamecompany during the development of Journey which might be worth funding. Only a few days left to go!

  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    I just went through the game for the first time, was really awesome. Especially since I got to do multiplayer pretty close to the beginning. The environments and everything are all just amazing, there are some really great parts that I thought would have made a great wallpaper.
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    I realllllly want to play this game! Just looks amazing, and being a huge exploration freak, I really want to see how this game helps navigate a player through a large open world.
  • daphz
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    daphz polycounter lvl 14
    Finished it once yesterday, it was amazing. I ran into another adventurer near the beginning and we played through the rest of it. The music and graphics are awesome, I just wish it was longer, it only took me around 3 hours to finish. Exploring is so much fun though!
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    Everyone and their sister was downloading it last night, played SFvT while i waited for it to download. so hopefully I can play it tonight :)
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Looking forward to trying this one out.
  • Mcejn
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    Mcejn polycounter lvl 12
    This is something I'll have to come back to someday.

    I got it last night and was crushed that the game didn't even attempt to "grip" me in the first 30 minutes. This is also due to the fact that I've just been valuing my time differently, so if I'm not completely sold within the first 5-10 minutes, then my mind just moves on. Still, it looks as though this one will definitely be worth giving another try someday, but for now, I was bored to tears. But I understand these "art games" take some real time and investment to really see their worth. Can't wait to get some more damned free time! :(
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    I really liked it. There's a lot of times where they used film language to tell the visual story that I haven't seen too much of in games that was very effective and captivating. Definitely worth a second playthrough just for that alone. Also, THE COLORS, DUKE! THE COLORS!! are wonderful!
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    i managed to finish the whole thing with the same person it was awesome!!!!! so awesome! especially
    the sneaking around parts

    the best part was that half way thru the game it was like we both understood each other.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    the best part was that half way thru the game it was like we both understood each other.

    Yea!! this is something i thought as well. You could kinda use your speech bubble and if they replied there is acknowledgment. Specially when i would wait for them, or them for me. Lots of connection without talking. Pretty awesome.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    I'm quite interested in this game, but I don't have a PS3.. :(

    Which makes me want to ask you guys something..

    Do you guys think its worth buying a PS3 this late? I really want to play some of the exclusives but I've never really felt like its worth buying an expensive system for a couple games. I don't play games as often as I used to (hell I haven't even touched my xbox 360 in literally 1-2 years and don't play online...but maybe that's because I don't like the idea of a subscription? ...hmm)

    Killzone, God of War and Uncharted specifically are the few that come to mind. But I'm unsure if I'll use it very much after those games.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    luke wrote: »
    defiantly dude

    Defiantly walk into the store and yell "I'm buying this PS3 and there's nothing you can do to stop me!!!!" then vomit flames all over the floor.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Played it at a friends home, seriously, THIS is a true art GAME.
    Seriously, Fuck Dear Esther...
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Hahaha... i kinda liked Dear Esther. But i think Journey told me a better story, and a better gaming experience.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Yakuza games!!! Dust 514 is coming out too! and will be free to play. And the beautiful Demon Souls.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    FEZ! oh wait, that's on the 360, you'll have to buy one of those too.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    It seems that more "dioramas" or "sightseeing games" are selling! I sincerely played through Dear Esther, and at the end I wanted to kill myself. I really wanted to understand the story, but it was all very vague. Good art work tho, I guess that's what all they wanted us to see on it.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I found the story in Dear Esther to be pretty moving albeit slightly cliche
    You and your wife were hit by a drunk driver on the freeway and she died
  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    Journey is a damn amazing experience, played through it 3 times so far and each time it was a bit different. This game proves you don't need megatextures or 15 post process effects to create an amazingly beautiful atmosphere. Love it.

    Less is more.
  • Seirei
    Quack! wrote: »
    Journey is a damn amazing experience, played through it 3 times so far and each time it was a bit different. This game proves you don't need megatextures or 15 post process effects to create an amazingly beautiful atmosphere. Love it.

    Less is more.

    Haha that's exactly my experience, the fact that it's so short makes it so tempting to play it just about 3 times on the first run. I don't wanna spoil too much but I love the 'randomness' realy interesting idea that they had there.
  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    Yeah one thing I loved about this game is while the game is very artsy and mostly focused on telling a story, the sneaking and the sand surfing is just so much fun gameplay wise too!
    I went through it twice and both times were really different.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Just got it and beat it tonight. A great way to spend a friday night while recovering from a cold.

    The game was gorgeous. Actually so beautiful at one point that my eyes teared up a little.

    The story and gameplay together felt amazing. There was a lot left to the imagination, just the way I like it. It was a game that tried to evoke emotion, and I love that sort of goal.

    The people I played with... I played with 4 different people. The first I saw in the distance, and I ran up toward him, but I could tell he was indifferent toward me, so I didn't spend much time with him. The next had a much longer scarf than mine and felt like a mentor. He showed me where some of the cool powerup places were. The next felt like my protoge. I showed him a few things. The last one was a partner until almost the end when he stopped moving in the snow. I assume he froze to death. Poor bastard.

    What was amazing was that with each of these people I got a distinct sense of personality.

    The ending? I'm not going to spoil it, but SO MUCH SATISFACTION.

    This is the sort of game I want to make some day.
  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    For me I think I might have gotten lucky, my first time playing through I played with the one single person the entire way through, I think we both didn't really know what to expect so we both spent a lot of time exploring each area. It was pretty cool because at about halfway through we sort of had a language set up.

    3 notes normally meant something like "Hey I found something!" while 1 note was normally just to keep in check, then a ton of notes was something like "Look out!"

    The second time through I ran into 6 people, most of them went off and did their own thing while the last one pretty much caught be how to sneak around and we stuck together until the end.
  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 14
    Damn that game looks so awesome :) I should perhaps give up and get ps3 ...
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    Quack! wrote: »
    Journey is a damn amazing experience, played through it 3 times so far and each time it was a bit different. This game proves you don't need megatextures or 15 post process effects to create an amazingly beautiful atmosphere. Love it.

    Less is more.

    QFT! that's what i love about the game each run thru is it's own Experience.
  • Noodle!
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    Noodle! polycounter lvl 8
    Just finished it and I'm in a daze. Such a beautiful and joyful experience.

    I met a few people along the way that I played around with, but somewhere along the middle me and another person stuck with it to the end. It's amazing the kind of bond you developed and how it felt you were connected.

    Truly fantastic. Easily the most beautiful game I've ever played.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Holy shit is all I can think of, amazing game.

    I ended up glitching in the snow area after being hit by the creatures and getting wedged in a corner but apart from that it was a smooth experience.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9

    I hope the OST comes soon enough! beautiful music in this game! been painting textures and envs to this music. Awesome stuff!
  • thatanimator
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    thatanimator polycounter lvl 6
    finished it yesterday and had my girlfriend play it through now :D
    she got warped to like the 3rd level or something after activating a thing at the first level, which was a damn shame.. oh well
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    finished it yesterday and had my girlfriend play it through now :D
    she got warped to like the 3rd level or something after activating a thing at the first level, which was a damn shame.. oh well

    If you finished it and she is playing again you can press select i think, and you can select the chapter to go to. Those things at the beginning activate once you beat the chapter so you can fast travel, they also have a thing on the side that tells you if you got all those things that make your scarf longer.
  • Seirei
    Funny story from St. Patrick's day:

    A friend of mine wanted to go out, but wasn't realy sure where to go. So I said to him "How about you come over here, take a look at this cool new game I've got and then we go to the nearby bar?" He agreed with the words "Okay, but if I don't like it I'll just go.". To make the story short, he ended up playing through the whole game and after that we downed some beers at the bar and every now and then we shouted "OH MY GOD JOURNEY IS SUCH AN AWESOME GAME!".
    Yeah it was a pretty cool night. xD
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Lol, that's pretty funny :)

    It was a great game. Played it in one sitting a few nights ago... really awesome, and the art and music were beautiful.
  • Vio
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    Vio polycounter lvl 6
    I hope this is in the original looking games thread.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    My girl n i had a couple of friends over (casual and non-gamer), and we took turns, and finished it in 3 hours.

    Beautiful game.
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    What an amazing game. Just unbelievable. I had tears in my eyes at the end. I know, I'm a big sook.

    glottis8 wrote: »

    I hope the OST comes soon enough! beautiful music in this game! been painting textures and envs to this music. Awesome stuff!

    Ahh this is great! Thanks for sharing!
  • Bart
    Played it last saturday... What an amazing experience ! The ability to meet other people and share it with them till the end made the game even more awesome for me :)
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    jaw dropping....

    hope with that game companys recent losses of staff that the balance of creativity there hasnt been lost... as they are riding very high
  • stabbington
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    stabbington polycounter lvl 13
    I think I was lucky and had the same companion for the whole game. It was so surprisingly, profoundly sad when you knew that the end was near, the two of us just whistling at each other not wanting to edge forward.

    Sounds ridiculous but I kinda don't want to play it again, just in case it sullies the perfectness of that first experience. :poly144:

    Had no idea they'd lost staff recently, though - hope that doesn't mean it was a commercial failure for them?
  • ScribbleHead
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    ScribbleHead polycounter lvl 13
    This is an absolutely stunning game, i'm kinda boggled at how simple it stays, yet it holds so many tiny details still.

    One thing i've been rattling my brain at is the cutscenes, now i know this isn't the tech forum, but i was still wondering if anyone had a clue as to how this was done.
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izfG8C9yh1E"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izfG8C9yh1E [/ame]

    3 minutes and about 40 seconds in you catch a glimpse of these green'ish clouds, some varying with thunder-like back lighting...is this just a matter of them switching different textures in a clever way?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    3 minutes and about 40 seconds in you catch a glimpse of these green'ish clouds, some varying with thunder-like back lighting...is this just a matter of them switching different textures in a clever way?

    yeah, looks like they just have transparent haze textures scrolling in opposite directions and then painted lightning/lit cloud cards that they turn on and off.

    I finally got it yesterday, played through about 2 and a half times in a row and got my white robes. Even though it's short I'm still not tired of it - it out ICO's team ICO's games. With the Last Guardian in development hell I saw we give this the honorary title of the third game in the ICO trilogy.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    Masterpiece, I have too many words to say about it that dont actually mean enough. So i'd rather just say its an absolute masterpiece. The best game this generation for me easily.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19

    Had no idea they'd lost staff recently, though - hope that doesn't mean it was a commercial failure for them?

    I don't think they were layoffs just people leaving to do new stuff - I believe it is breaking PSN sales records.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    yeah a few staff moved on to other things, i hope this hasnt changed the magic recipe... but jenova chen is still there and he seams to be the main creative ,though i sometimes disbelieve the hype around people like this he does seam to be the force behind it...

    interesting eurogamer article about him/journey
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