So I could take advantage and post the outrageous resolution size 3dvision surround images captures.
to auto load with a 3dvision photo viewer just change the .jpg extension back to jps.
Anyone know if it's possible to format the following to bypass?
[html]" id="mainImage" alt="Use 'view image'
But this link does:
lol, my link doesn't work either. unless the image is cached in the browser. EDIT: no that doesn't seem to be it either.
lol, now it doesn't work at all, though I had it up for both of us a second ago...
Now they are both working again...!?
what kind of voodoo is this?
I tried just image tagging with the "main image view image" from the html's link
like this:'view%20image
So I could take advantage and post the outrageous resolution size 3dvision surround images captures.
to auto load with a 3dvision photo viewer just change the .jpg extension back to jps.
It's working for me now.
Can anyone verify, that it's not working for them in my second link?
( teasing me in an offline directory? )
Anyone know if it's possible to format the following to bypass?
[html]" id="mainImage" alt="Use 'view image'