Hey guys I'm have and issue with my computer this morning and want to see if I can fix it without taking it in.
I woke up this morning and turned on my computer it booted up but non of my normal programs that boot up with the system started ( steam, Skype , msn ) I found that weird but didn't thin it was to weird.
But when I went to open a program like Firefox I would click it but nothing would pop up and this point the computer would lock up forcing me to shut ot down manually.
Something that might help figuring out the issue is that I think there might have been a power outage/surge in my building last night while I was sleeping not 100% sure.
If there is anything I might be able to do to fix this let me know cause I just bought this computer and to already have issues with it kinda sucks

- run msconfig and double check your startup progs are enabled
- system restore from safe mode
- run windows scanner if you can download the latest version from another computer
I've experienced something like this in our laptops. I just restart or do a force shutdown if it freezes. Could be due from os or driver updates.
If I can get into safe mode, it's usually something I could figure out and fix.
I have restarted the computer 5 times same thing keeps happening.
I'll go into safe mode and see if I can click on anything without any issues.
So I'm guessing a power surge wouldent do this?
Thanks for the help guys I'll keep you guys posted on any results
I wouldn't expect any damage from a surge if you shut down without issues the night before.
But yeah, if you're not using them I recommend a cheap surge braker would help keep your hardware safe. If you've never bought them before make sure it has a braker and not just a power strip.
Very likely if this caused your computer to power down and reboot, or you powered your computer down and rebooted and you hadn't rebooted recently before this, it just simply meant that the virus had already been installed, it just had not started with Windows yet like it was scripted to.
Likely, a virus slipped in while you were using it, then waited to install itself when you restarted. They embed themselves into windows dlls or registry, which won't reload until the next boot.
thanks for the help again guys your the best!
Is there any other course of action i can take? im terrible with computers so any help would be apreciated.
but it's more of a power-user tool from what little experience i have with it.
Have you done the scans in Windows safe mode? Sometimes that's necessary to really find and get rid of the bad stuff.
sucks to hear that man, did you try doing a disk error-check? if it was a surge it could have messed with your HDD.
2 things that this sounds like it could be...A busted HDD or an overheating problem.
ae, can you keep the computer on for long periods? And by that, I mean, just let it sit there, without running a program. Say, for 15-30 minutes, without it locking up or shutting down on it's own.
Worse case scenario, do a complete system restore. Hopefully, since you just got the PC, you haven't personalized it too much, where you'd lose anything by wiping everything, and starting over. If it persists after doing that, then you know you have a hardware issue.