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3D modelers needed for a twisted looking combat racer called Machine Men

Just want to say sorry in advance for the long post.

Note: I'm using the free version of Unity.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSv3Oez4O-4&feature=player_embedded"]Paul Oakenfold - Ready, Steady, Go (Video) - YouTube[/ame]

The link is to a song By Paul Oakenfold called Ready, Steady, Go!

First off, watch the music video above. More specifically, pay attention to the vehicles that are shown because that's what I'm using as inspiration for the cars in Machine Men. I don't want you to copy those vehicles, just the concept. I just want you to get a sense of the visual style used in this game.

Second: the title of the game is Machine Men, in case you haven't figured that out. What does it mean? Machine men are the cars in this game. I call them machine men because they are cars with human parts. I'll go over which parts later on. For sake of simplicity, I just call them cars throughout the GDD. I also need a programmer, but for the sake of this website, I'm only listing the art jobs.

Third is job information

My job: Music, sound effects, designing (all aspects of it). Basically everything but art and programming.

3D modeler
: Must know how to texture and animate your models. I'm assuming animating won't take much because of the fact it's a car. I want the art to be medium poly, but if you can make it look good with a lesser poly count then by all means go ahead. I do not want the art to be high poly, but if you must I will make an exception. The cars might have to be high poly. If you could save them in .fbx format that will make my life easier.

As the the textures, I prefer dark and/or dirty colors. The buildings need to be somewhat rundown. The scenery, trees and shrubbery, need to be dry or dying so they can fit into the scene better.

Note: Work between the 3D Modelers will be split right down the middle. Each modeler is expected to model the scenery for your level and a certain amount of cars. If you fell like this is too much I will hire another artist to help out. More information on cars and levels are listed below.

Dave: Dave will be modeling the cars. Possibly level 3 (skyway).

3D Modeler 2: None

3D Modeler 3: None

Payment Information: This will be split evenly between everyone. If you need a specific number, read the next part.

4 developers total (including me) will equal 25% profit per person.

5 Developers total (including me) will equal 20% profit per person.

6 Developers total (including me) will equal around 16.6% profit per person.

Finally, here's more information on the game. Please note that this part is generalized for a reason. I know I'm taking a potential risk by doing it this way. If you need to see more specific Information I will be more then happy to PM or email you the GDD. I will not post the GDD directly on this thread.

Note on car names: I know it looks and sounds silly, but there's a reason why I named the cars after living things. I wanted people to be able to associate with the game better and this is one of the ways I chose. I wanted there to be some association between the car and the living thing. I don't really want the cars to be a mirror image of that particular creature, but I did want the car to sort of inherit their abilities.

Terminology: Each car is assigned to a type. You can always tell the car type by looking at the first 2 letters of the car model. Here's a list with the meaning.

OC: Offense Car

DC: Defense Car

SC: Speed Car

HC: Disable Car

Game Overview

Genre: Combat Racing

Target Audience: 13+

Look and Feel: Post apocalyptic, dark science fiction

Project Scope

Level Types: 3 with a possibility of a 4th or more

Tracks per Type
: 20-30 (maybe less)

Car Types: Combat and Support

Combat Cars: Combat cars focus on taking and receiving damage. Due to their lack of speed they usually stay in the back. Don’t expect to win with speed alone. The secondary focus with these cars is defense.

Support Cars: The purpose of support cars is to finish the race as quickly as possible. They usually can’t deal or take a lot of damage. The secondary focus with these cars is disabling other cars.


Combat Cars List

Offense Cars

OC Piranha:

OC Wolf:

OC Grizzly:

Defense Cars

DC Rhinoceros:

DC Elephant

DC Beetle:

Support Cars List

Speed Cars

SC Sailfish:

SC Cheetah:

SC Falcon:

Disable Cars

HC Spider

HC Anaconda

HC Sea Wasp:

Locations Outside of Track (circuit mode)

Shop: Allows you to buy or sell various weapons, armor, and cars. Also allows you to upgrade your car.

Track/Level Selector: Allows you to select what track or level you want to play.

Garage: Allows you to view your statistics and various information about your car(s).

Game Modes

Death Match: There are 15 cars on a track in any given race. The only way to win the game is to blow up all other cars.

Time Trial: Only you and the timer. To win you complete the track before the timer runs out. Alternatively, you can try and beat your own time. If you choose the alternate route the timer runs until you complete the number of laps the track requires.

: This is used to get a feel for the game. Just select the track and car.

: This is the standard mode. It contains all of the modes but the test mode.

1 on 1
: You versus another player. First person to complete a certain number of laps wins. You can also blow up the other car to win.

Gameplay & Mechanics

Challenge Structure
: The AI controlled cars get more biologically and mechanically advanced as the tracks and levels progress. They could even get different cars.

Level/Track Structure
: Each level gradually changes into the other.

Example: Let’s say there are 20 tracks per level. Level 1 takes place in the underground, level 2 is the city, and level 3 is the wilderness. The first couple tracks of level 1 are deep underground, but the more tracks you complete the closer you get to the city and you start seeing more and more city buildings. Once you’re officially in level 2 and you complete more tracks for that level, you’ll get further and further in the wilderness.

Level 1 (underground ): The scenery is mainly caves and caverns.

Level 2 (city): The scenery has mainly run down buildings and you race on the roads.

Level 3 (Skyway): Semitransparent roads built very high in the air..

Possible Levels

Outer Space (Level 4)

Heaven (Level 5)

Hell (Level 6)

Car Parts

: Each part type I'm about to list is interconnected. Although I list 1 or 2 benefits, each part has a lot of smaller benefits as well. There will also be various weapons and armor in this game.

: This is almost directly connected with neural parts. Determines weapon accuracy.

: The heart pushes the fluid throughout the car. If this quits the car will eventually slow to a stop.

: Nerves basically. Determines rate of fire.

: Basically just gas. Improves overall performance.

: Determines how much power the cars have.

: This does a verity of things.

Still with me? If you need anything you can contact me 4 ways, PM, this thread, skype, and email.

Skype: arcadia.divine

Email: alpha.omega23@ymail.com


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