My first level for a university project is ready to go, however I don't have any way to tell UDK that my level is finished at a certain point. I have a trigger already set up in the point i want the level to end but I have had no success finding a way to actually make it happen. I'm not even sure if a trigger is the way to go.
Does anyone have some knowledge on what i should do?
This isn't a multiplayer map that im making, it's like a miniature narrative style level. With a start and a finish, you begin in one place and when you ultimately reach the finish the level is over and should return the player to a main menu or close the level down.
Is there a way for me to achieve this?
Now this node will fire whenever the player touches the trigger, so you can wire it's out node into whatever you need to do. Easiest example would be to grab a console command node and tell it to fire an "exit" command, or an "open YourMainMenuMapHere" command. Hope this helps.