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PolyGonic Studios needing Modelers


Attention all Modelers and animators! My studio needs your assistance!

Here's the scoop. I am the owner of an official, licensed and operating start-up development studio named PolyGonic Studios. We do not have a website yet, as every penny I have is going towards the funding. I have a team, and we're hard at work getting our first game ready for Steam. This means that we have, completed or more then 50% done

  • The Art: I have two artists under my employ that have produced a great amount of detailed artwork for the game. Not pictures, concept art with little details and multiple view shots for the models.
  • The game engine: Licensed and coded. My programmer is currently working on AI setups and weapon rules. You can play it, but all of the models are placeholder assets like spheres.
  • Level design and build: Design is done. We need some props, but we're buying a lot of them to save time.
  • Soundtrack and effects: Soundtrack is done. Sound effects will be outsourced as soon as the game is in Alpha.
  • The Models: This is the problem area. Read further.
My original modeler wanted money, but didn't want to do ANY work so I fired him.

My second modeler was working fine until he got laid off from his primary job. Now he's looking for another primary job, and my team is out on a lurch.

I need modelers. I didn't get this far and pour this much money into my studio to stop now.

The game itself is an action-arcade shooter. We're looking at very few high-poly renders, most of the work will be low-poly, only a few hundred polygons, and animated with simple loops. and some middle of the road bosses. Think of a modern [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7599PwyVWM8"]Gradius[/ame], [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6aVI1D2GBA"]R-Type[/ame] or [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGyttPDOQVM"]Axelay[/ame] (most like Axelay, incidentally) and you get the idea of what our game is going to look and play like when it's finished.

We have the concept art. We have the engine. We have the AI, and everything else! We are READY for the models.

Now, compensation. I'm trying something unusual for a studio. I'm basing the payment structure off of commercial fishing vessel "crew shares." So, we make the game, we sell the game (through Steam natch) and then each person gets a percentage share of the profit as long as the game sells and makes money. If it's still for sale ten years later and someone buys it, you just made a cut.

We're working hard to get this game out, but we NEED a modeler, or more then one if possible to make up lost time. This is NOT a flake project. I didn't spend thousands of dollars of my own money and months of my own time to bootstrap a studio just to shrug and walk away when things get rough!

If you want to be part of this project, drop me a resume at sanghTAKEMEOUTeiliMETOOan@gmail.com with some work examples and we'll talk business!
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