I'm working on this project from Max and Importing stuff into UDK and along the way I don't know why for one of my mesh UDK translate the UV maps very messed up for my Island/grass top.
In my max file the Islands doesn't have messed up UV map, and 2nd UV map(Light map)
this is the regular uvmap for texture
this is 2nd uvmap/lightmap for the mesh also from Max file. there are no inverted faces, nor overlapping.
this is how udk reads the map for 1st uv map.
2nd uvmap channel
this is what happens when after I build lights, and scene.
Your lightmap has to be within the 0-1 space. Your regular UVs don't have to be but they won't display properly in the static mesh browser.
Also what you can try is before exporting mesh reassign a new material to it with nothing attached texture wise. Just a blinn or phong or whatever. Also (in Softimage) I had to check my Operator stacks and delete anything in there that is not necessary. I had a Tangent Property and Vertex color property that I had to delete.
no no actually the light map channel uvs are in the 0-1 space.
In the max file are you tiling the bitmap using the material settings? the settings under "coordinates" in the bitmap part of the material editor?
Because max will export this by stretching the UVs to greater than zero to 1 and cause this problem.