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Early development of new 2D game

So, lets get to it. I have some artwork from our upcoming game we have in development I thought I should show off.

In all earlier games we have used spritesheets (rendered frames) for all animations but for this title we had an idea for a world filled with so many different characters that this wasn't an option. So, to keep the 2D feel we opted for rigging 2D planes in 3D environment and using regular bone animations. After a few slaps in the face from alpha sorting issues we got it to work in our engine and I love it, smooth animations for a low cost.

I scaled them out so you get the idea,

But enough talk, let there be pirates!

Also a quick animation test of the banjo playing pirate boss,

A small teaser I put together last week showing of the lead character as well..

So, enjoy I guess and feel free to throw me comments, feedback or questions. I will post in-game shots as soon as they are ready..
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