I thought it would be cool if I posted one of my current projects, maybe it will motivate me to finally finish it.
It was planned to just be a game rez model. But I ended up using it for a couple of things. I used it to play around with Modo's rendering system and just to see how it could handle displacements and if it was a cool as everyone said it was. I even got it a bust printed of him. I'm still in the middle of texturing him and I'm thinking about starting the texture over.
Low Poly model in Marmoset

Wire Frame

Zbrush BPR Render With MantaRay Friends

Modo Rendering

The 3DPrint

If you need a 3d Print you should check them out they are quick and affordable prints. Plus my work mate owns 1/3 of the equipment responsible for the prints, so I can vouch for them
The print came out to about 5.5 inches and cost me about $100 which was pretty darn cheap!
I dont really like the colour design on the texture too much though, It feels too segmented, and the colours aren't very interesting. So yeah i agree with starting the texture over >_>.
And a mix of ithorian (star wars species too) and hammer head sharks.
As far as Design WIP here are some of the drawings and paint overs I did during the course of sculpting.
Thanks guys I'll have to get an update posted soon!
Lephenix: Dude the creature looks cool!
Snader: Maybe this image will help
Finish it now!
The only thing I don't really like are the feet. I find the way they curve make him looks a little clunky, I like it better on the sketches where they are straight, it feels more solid (Totally personnal
And if anyone wanted to take a peek at the modo file I've zipped my scene and all the textures http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4618134/3DWorldHammer.rar