Hello Polycount,
>_> This is my work in progress on Heisenberg from Breaking Bad.
I'm currently a graduating senior student at SVA. Crits and comments welcome!
Also I have NO IDEA how to use fibermesh yet >_> any links to fibermesh tutorials would be much much appreciated!

Zbrush viewport ... T_T dont know how to BPR yet

Wires etc ...

Reference sheet
I'm kind of new to forums. Thanks for looking!
my teacher used to ask me to turn the model and the reference upside down for even more likeness.
x_x coming into maya now...... maps exported from zbrush. yea i cheated a bit on the render with some photoshop curves and chromatic aberration >_>
also edited his jaw a bit slimmer, and his neck a bit thicker. was worried about pencil-neck.
crits welcome and appreciated!
Kickass work! Doesn't look like student stuff to me.
you really have something special here.
I need to render this out for a class right now, so I'm on a bit of a deadline... but I'll definitely revisit and fix the wrinkles as soon as I can (as well as look into conveying a bit more characteristic Heisenberg facial expressions). Heisenberg has such a great scowl throughout the series.
Also hmm, I don't think this cleft nose is working for me.... >_> Also does anyone else think his neck is weirdly shapen here? >_> ?
The sss I was doing wasnt so good before, tweaked them a bit, painted new maps. put in some poly alpha eyebrows... hair & 'stache next. Hmm feeling like my lips are lacking a bit of normal map definition. also need to give sclera some texture... mental note to revisit that.
>_> first time using maya fur last night. >____> gah grooming it is so tricky. anyway here's more wip. i kind of cheated some photoshop in this image... (blur, contrast curves, a few hair strands to fill in patches, defringe) but most of it is from maya mental ray render.
The skin needs more contrast in the texture- you did a really good job on the sculpt and wrinkles and you started to add contrast towards the top of the forehead. Use the reference 2nd from right top row for the the skin, I think your texture is either too saturated at the moment or too dark, Walter tends to be very pale since hes in a lab all day. His skin seems really soft and dry right now- so maybe a bit of a noisy spec map may help achieve the natural skin tone you want. Also I think you give some more loving to the lower part of the lower lip, needs more contrast. Also has the sculpt changed since that first set of renders was posted? The bottom of his chin seems off to me- maybe soften the protrusion of the bone- the skin should seem loose around that area- I think its because your jaw line is too strong. I know I'm giving you a hard critique but its only because you have a really promising piece of a badass character.