Hi guys! I'm creating my first UDK game with two other friends, and i'm responsible for the level designing av some modeling. I really love it and would like some feedback on how I am doing. I have learned a lot since I first touched UDK, but I know that there's a lot more to learn.
Here are three screenshots from the game, and i would really love some feedback!
Two different angles showing the torture chamber
A shot of one of the corridors
lighting needs a bit of work, read through what Epic has written and try to apply that to your scene. After you do that I think you will find you will want to read about textures and vertex shading, as well as some more advanced modeling techniques.
But for now, I would rework your lighting.
The room itself is large, empty and uninspired. The idea of a torture chamber is cool, and gives you a crapton of ways to tell a story. Why not use them?
Now what you have is a grat start, but do the opposite of whay you may be thinking. The pics are dark... Not dark enough, in my eyes. I would set the mood with a LOT of lights crated to show off certain areas. A candle here, a torch there, but then don't be worried about everything else being too dark, just make sure that those areas are lit nice and well.
Geo wise, you don't appear to be using anything complex, or een any models? It all looks like brush work. Don't be fooled into thinking you NEED complex geo, but don't be too scared of trying it.
Texture wise, it reall does look very noise filled, and I can't read any of it. It looks almost Unreal 1 quality/type to my eyes. If you are going to sharpen textures, remember that sometimes you MAY get a white line appear around the edges of the texture flat... Like on the floor there.
TLDR: Don't be scared of using more shadow and more colour to nail your atmosphere home.