I had modeled this weapon quite a while ago, but have been working on it for the past few days. I still have a bit of texture work to do but here is a WIP if I could get some critiques that would be great. here is the refence: Blaster
Do you have a spec map on the model at all? Your materials aren't reading very well atm.
The specular highlight on the red painted areas, most noticeably on the barrel, are very off putting to me. Right now, your paint doesn't look like paint, as there is no clear separation with your specularity. At the very least, you should have a little less spec on the paint than on exposed metal. Not sure where you are displaying this, but if you can use colored spec, using the inverse color of that red would give you a whiter highlight and would really sell the paint better I think. Right now it gives off a very yellowy color.
This weapon is made of some sort of metal by looking at the concept. So you need to concentrate on defining your materials. A good start for metal is a dark diffuse, high contrast specular map, and a low gloss setting (10 to 25). Once you have that as your base you can start adding/ removing your details (like the painted parts) to help define your parts of the gun. Keep on going!
The specular highlight on the red painted areas, most noticeably on the barrel, are very off putting to me. Right now, your paint doesn't look like paint, as there is no clear separation with your specularity. At the very least, you should have a little less spec on the paint than on exposed metal. Not sure where you are displaying this, but if you can use colored spec, using the inverse color of that red would give you a whiter highlight and would really sell the paint better I think. Right now it gives off a very yellowy color.