This scared me a little while ago, too. Seems like the US isn't even limited by borders anymore.
I quote:
"The indictment focuses on the movement of funds outside the U.S. and that you can't just "flout US law" by not being in the US. "
If I close this now, I'm a jerk who doesn't care about political attitude. If I let this thread go, it'll be a shit show with 'in before close' and cat posts but not before a few back-and-forth replies.
I'll let you guys decide the fate of an Alex Jones thread when I come back to it after work.
If I close this now, I'm a jerk who doesn't care about political attitude. If I let this thread go, it'll be a shit show with 'in before close' and cat posts but not before a few back-and-forth replies.
I'll let you guys decide the fate of an Alex Jones thread when I come back to it after work.
LOL fair enough.
I honestly think this information needs to be reviewed though. The Alex Jones video was the best vid i could find on the subject. Regardless of Alex Jones or not it seems alot of the stuff hes been saying over the years is coming true and no one seems to know about it, let alone care.
Even people who i know that are into politics or watch the news everyday have never heard of this stuff. Why has the news media not said anything? This is even worst than the Patriot Act... and no one is even aware it exists.
Im the last person to be a `conspiracy theoryist` but this stuff has a ring of truth to it i cant ignore. If half the stuff these people are saying is true we are in for some serious trouble.
The OWS thread has 1500+ replies, many of which deal with the NDAA in the last hundreds of replies. It's closed now, of course, but you may want to read through that thread.
And yes its absolutely disgusting how much the media blacks out. Im sure this has something to do with the fact these mainstream news medias are owned by major corporations who are in turned owned by the bankers (who in turn own the government).
Obama signed directives that military detention doesn't apply to American Citizens and a bunch of restrictions on how it applies to non-citizens basically crippling that nasty bit of what is 95% a military funding bill.
"The directive is not a big surprise, as the president threatened to veto the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) last year over the detention provisions before signing the bill after concessions were won that gave him more authority over detention. Obama signaled he would use the authority in a signing statement issued in December."
I've heard the beginnings of the right's spin on this "see! Obama is light on terrorism!"
scary thing - the next president can reverse this - so weather you like Obama or not, for goodness sake don't vote for Mitt Romney!
oh yeah, I don't watch tv news; I listen to NPR - they haven't blacked out any coverage of OWS or NDAA. Set your radio to your local station and listen to it on the way to work, that will keep you up to date.
why keep remaking threads like this, there are tons of locked ones that cover the same topics.
but ya hte ows thread has a good bit in the ndaa, and i have seen some fema stuff in Canadian and British news, but have yet to see it covered via a American source.
I've heard the Fema camp from paranoid conspiracy theorist family members - first it was going to be for white people then for all the elderly that would be euthanized by Obamacare.
I'd hazard to guess it's actually a reaction to the monumental fuck-up that was the government's response to Hurricane Katrina.
I've heard the Fema camp from paranoid conspiracy theorist family members - first it was going to be for white people then for all the elderly that would be euthanized by Obamacare.
I'd hazard to guess it's actually a reaction to the monumental fuck-up that was the government's response to Hurricane Katrina.
Na man, they have been building them since 1986 and refused to tell congress about it when asked. There is a really interesting and (very very) disturbing truth to all of this in a documentary film made on the subject. I highly encourage you to watch it.
That's the problem with Youtube, it has legitimized what used to be a crazy guy on the street corner handing you a homemade pamphlet.
I admit that the narrator tries to make it dramatic and crazy(which it kind of is), but ignore that and look at the facts and evidence that is presented.
It's 2 hours and 20 minutes! If it's factual I'm sure they site their sources - link them here and I'll read them without the spooky music and scary imagery.
This scared me a little while ago, too. Seems like the US isn't even limited by borders anymore.
I quote:
"The indictment focuses on the movement of funds outside the U.S. and that you can't just "flout US law" by not being in the US. "
I'll let you guys decide the fate of an Alex Jones thread when I come back to it after work.
LOL fair enough.
I honestly think this information needs to be reviewed though. The Alex Jones video was the best vid i could find on the subject. Regardless of Alex Jones or not it seems alot of the stuff hes been saying over the years is coming true and no one seems to know about it, let alone care.
Even people who i know that are into politics or watch the news everyday have never heard of this stuff. Why has the news media not said anything? This is even worst than the Patriot Act... and no one is even aware it exists.
Im the last person to be a `conspiracy theoryist` but this stuff has a ring of truth to it i cant ignore. If half the stuff these people are saying is true we are in for some serious trouble.
And yes its absolutely disgusting how much the media blacks out. Im sure this has something to do with the fact these mainstream news medias are owned by major corporations who are in turned owned by the bankers (who in turn own the government).
"The directive is not a big surprise, as the president threatened to veto the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) last year over the detention provisions before signing the bill after concessions were won that gave him more authority over detention. Obama signaled he would use the authority in a signing statement issued in December."
I've heard the beginnings of the right's spin on this "see! Obama is light on terrorism!"
Washington Post link
another link
scary thing - the next president can reverse this - so weather you like Obama or not, for goodness sake don't vote for Mitt Romney!
oh yeah, I don't watch tv news; I listen to NPR - they haven't blacked out any coverage of OWS or NDAA. Set your radio to your local station and listen to it on the way to work, that will keep you up to date.
but ya hte ows thread has a good bit in the ndaa, and i have seen some fema stuff in Canadian and British news, but have yet to see it covered via a American source.
I'd hazard to guess it's actually a reaction to the monumental fuck-up that was the government's response to Hurricane Katrina.
Na man, they have been building them since 1986 and refused to tell congress about it when asked. There is a really interesting and (very very) disturbing truth to all of this in a documentary film made on the subject. I highly encourage you to watch it.
I admit that the narrator tries to make it dramatic and crazy(which it kind of is), but ignore that and look at the facts and evidence that is presented.