This is my first scene using modular assets for a university brief.
When I started working on it, I noticed that for the first time ever I really, really couldn't stop. It was so much fun! I started at 17.00 as soon as I got home, and worked until 02.00, when I realised I was starving. Next day I got up, and worked on it until midday, when Maya died completely and I had to start from the beginning again. Usually this is of course very frustrating, but at this time all I was thinking of was "oh well, it will be even better now that I have to do it all over again." I worked two more days, ate one pizza and slept very little. Then I had to go to class and the magic was broken.
I don't think I have ever enjoyed anything art-related as much as I enjoyed making these houses.

These two ladies were painted in an ImagineFX-infused inspiration, and are definitely my favourite female paintings so far.
Now I'm working on a new project, and these are my first attempts at making plants. They are just quick screenshots from Maya, and my screen is pretty small, so they are not very fancy.
I'm not sure if they are quite right, I couldn't imagine any lower-poly way of making them while still keeping the same bushy effect. (I tried making the plants out of just flat planes crossing each other, but that was a little too unpleasant to look at).
I'm planning to balance the busy organic shapes with sleek, futuristic white environment.
Somehow they are still feeling too static and sharp (I mean, it feels that if you walked into them, they would slice you open). I'm not sure what to change.
Your doing an amazing job! putting me and everyone to shame for sure! keep it up and you will be a great character artist
Keep postin! watching the updates
I will post things there as soon as I have something... more advanced. and bigger
(and silence, you are the one who puts me to shame