so i'm having to animated an irregularly shaped object with an inner chamber (separate object) that needs to animate along with the outer shape while at the same time maintaining the offset between the inner and outer layers.
so far the best approach i've found is to set up clusters on the inner object, then parent them to vertices on the outer object. This works ok, but it is a very messy and slow process when you start bringing in multiple clusters.
any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
That would have nothing to do with the end result, and require a night of problem solving. Even if u can not show your work, the level of description u give would probably need a similar example at least?
Without knowing more about what you're doing, and from the workflow you're suggesting here, you might want to look into the djRivet tool. Similar to what you're doing now, but its 1) An existing script, so it might speed things up 2) Uses UV space to constrain vertices/cvs to another object.
There's a lot of different hacks I would investigate with this.
-Solid object, but with a shader that makes it look like it's two different ones
-Both object parented to a hidden object that keeps them bound
-Displacement map!
If I remember in the morning, I'll ask my coworker about this... him and I work on medical animations and I know this is something he's probably encountered before.
Would that work?
Stradigos: would love to be able to do this in post however it's for realtime deployment so that one is ruled out.
ended up strategically placing rivets on the outter layer then constrained them to clusters on the inner chamber