Hey doing computer game in Torque for my final year project in university, well im making the models and texturing them etc. Doing it in Lightwave 9.6 and export to COLLADA.
All I feel like i'm doing it taking pictures and sticking them on model's with normal maps, I don't feel satisfied enough doing this, is there any tips or stuff to get the most out of textures? Or tutorials or something?
The game is basically a fituristic military base in the middle of the desert so lots of steel and metal stuff, but isnt much I can do to the models like the buildings n stuff etc.
Any help would be greatyl appreciated thanks

I use plenty of photos in my work, but I treat them effectively as colors, and not "materials" - I'll build a piece of blue-painted metal with rust showing through out of multiple layers to paint the damage where I want, rather than using everyone's favorite cgtextures http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=5278&PHPSESSID=fn8kj993pre9s72v1dp0jvgl50
The best way to get help though is to post a thread in P&P and get feedback that way