Been wanting to do a female character for quite some time now, and was finally pushed over the edge with the help of the Hazardous class. No I didn't get picked but thats all good, the guys that did will be around to pass along the knowledge after they are done. However it did get me super excited to give a lady a go.
I found this incredible Guild Wars 2 concept by Hyojin Ahn. I've never played Guild Wars so I guess this can't really be called fan art. I guess it's more Hyojin Fan art.
Julie - Golden Armor Concept by Hyojin Ahn

Hyojin Ahn Website
I'm going to try and post as much as my process as I can, it really helps me self reflect on my own process.
And goddamn, thank you Hazardous for giving polycount a raging case of BOOBIE FEVER
can't wait to see you tackle her!
I'd like to point out that in the proportions chart, the side view does not match the proportions of the front view at the bottom of her legs. Check the level of the ankles - in the front view, it does not seem like she would standing on the balls of her feet / toes, like in the concept and in the side view of your proportions chart.
Here is a very rough block out sculpt I did this morning.
The biceps are too short compared to the rest of the arm and the proportions in the head can use some work. Eyes are too high, head is too wide, and the mouth should be a bit wider. Something is off in the jawline, too, but it's hard to tell what needs to change since the head is so wide. I think the jaw may need to be wider and the neck have some of the hourglass shape taken out of it.
Good luck, I hope that helps! Stylized proportions like this can be tricky to pull off.
Ya guys, you are totally right about the arms, good to have some fresh eyes. I haven't addressed the head yet, but here she is with her arms adjusted. How does the length feel now?
I know you are just at the start of this but i noticed that you pushed the outside of the eyebrow too far in and one thing I always would like to see on females is that rounded high corner of the eyebrow. take a look at the image below and see if that's something you think it might fit on your character :
Good luck with it
Looks great! Love the paintover
I think if you want to match the reference closer then you should make the eyes a little bigger and adjust the shape of the lips.
Great start on the body too.
Good stuff
- i don't really like the abs section. They just look like a big solid column going down and even if they are all that developed they should be more like 2 columns going down the sides with a depression between them. Either way they look like a separate part of the body so if you can integrate it a bit more it might look better. It almost feels like your obliques are pulled too far away back but it could be just abs sticking out too much....
- on the back those 2 dots(depressions) you have on the lower back look like you just carved them in there and they usually appear because of the forms/ planes meeting there so perhaps you should try to work on that area just a bit more because right now they just look like 2 dots that you pushed in on the flat planes surrounding them.
All that said the proportions and the sculpt overall looks great man
Sorry guys, my web hosting service is changing servers... Ya I emailed Hyojin before I started to let him know. Any of his feedback would be kick ass.
Not sure if this answers your questions, but I'm modeling all of the armor detail in maya then importing into zbrush.
looks like the skirt and belt area were updated for the better. Maybe consider using those updates!
My process is very basic and straight forward. I will be doing lots more of it so I will try and record some video to post up for you.
That'd be great because I have no idea how you stand modeling such detailed elegant pieces in maya! Share your secrets man! :P
( I've been using maya since I started 3D but have come to hate it's base modeling tools... I'm in the middle of switching to XSI.)
Is this going to be just hi-res, or are you going to be making a low res version aswell?