Hey there Polycounters, I was just curious what tools (if any) you all use most commonly for UV'ing character, prop, or environmental models?
Over the past few years I have used Headus UVLayout pretty exclusively for an array of different types of models. Although I love the tool, It may be a bit of a crutch. What do you all think ? I am still working my way into the professional world so I would love to hear what some of you have used in industry jobs (or at home) any advice is greatly appreciated.
The BTunwrap tool for maya lets me do better unwrapping of not so straight environments into straight UV's. This is good for trim and repeating textures.
You can get the Ninja Dojo cheaper if you purchase it directly thru Me. Creative Crash takes 45% of sales so thats why its more expensive on Creative Crash. As for UVing.. the Nice thing about Ninja_UV is that you map directly in maya. It's not a 3rd party software. And i also give good support. I also will take suggestions and try to implement them.
you can check it out here.
If you posess a licensed UVLayout USB-dongle - nobody will ban you from using it!
The "out of the box" UV tools of Maya or Max are incomparably petty. Using third-party script or plugins really makes working better - but not THAT RADICALLY as UVLayout does. IMHO.
I've tried 3rd party apps in the past and I just can't be bothered skipping back and forth between apps when working on something - especially when 90% of max unwrapping is as simple as laying seams out and clicking a couple of buttons
I'll have a look at this unwrella packer thing though - that is max's weak spot.