Hello there!!!
I use in my scene some Image based reflections and decals.
The problem is that the the Image based reflection didn't
take care about the specular, normal map of the decal
(you can see a picture
And the second issue is that I would like to animate an emisive light
and match the animation to an IBR animation.
If anyone have an idea of how can I do that
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I find a way to animate the IBR in Kismet!!! YEAHHHH!!!
But still don't understand why it didn't work well with my decals
Any ideas are welcome!!! :):)
Yeah Money, there is a track for changing the color (color property track) and I animated that from white (for showing it) to black (for hiding it) and it work!!! toggle work too, but didn't work with fade in, fade out!:)
Hello King mango!!! My material is in transluent. I tried quickly putting the decals mat at masked and it didnt show me the IBR :poly122: I tried to build light only on the selected decal but didn't work neither, tomorrow I will try to build light in the whole scene. The thing is that I build lights in preview, is that can affect the IBR on decals? and perhaps my computer is too weak to handle that and UDK decide to dont show it? That making me crazyyyyy :poly142::poly142::poly142:
Thank you guys!!!
Yeah that way should probably work too!!!
Thx for the help!!!
I tried to do the decal in a simple scene and add a Image Based Reflection,
I put the decals material in Masked, and it doesnt work, it doesnt show the IBR
I tried diferents combinations but only the decals material at transluent work more and less, because I see the IBR but it doesnt take the normalmap property
Any other idea?
Thanks guys!!!
I'm totally block with the IBR not working well on Decals
and no way to find some help on some existing threads.
then if somebody have any idea that could be cool,
and then i probably write a little tutorial to make that new technology more easy to use
Thanks guys :):)
Yes, I'm using a Decal material.
Thanks King Mango for your help :):)
On the DECAL MATERIAL put the Blend Mode to BLEND_MASKED And In D3D11 >
Enable USE IMAGE BASED REFLECTION. Then rebuild the light in Production quality.
I just attached a picture to show it better!!! http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13264915/pro...l-solution.jpg
That was easy but it cost me so much time to find out :poly142::poly142::poly142:
Thanks again to the people who help me!!!
If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact me
Yeah! Look like the new DX 11 work on production light build :S that's my experience too!