Half of these images are computer-generated in real-time. The other half are photographs.
Apparently it's to show off Kojima Production's dynamic lighting techniques so that moveable objects blend better with static scenes.
Full post.Edit: I never know where to post these types of threads on Polycount.
So good.
Probably belongs in tech or awesome thread.
Come back when it's providing the same level of graphical fidelity and believability in a large, moving environment with lots of on-screen interaction.
I'm betting that between a low framerate (almost a given) and the same uncanny-valley-esque animation that the industry has yet to vanquish, it'll look like any other current-gen game in action. And will be probably buried under six layers of unnecessary motion blur and other post effects.
Hehe. Very true. Reminds me of a recent statement someone made of a similar nature that I wholeheartedly agree with. Wish I had saved it. Will have to go try to dig it up.
Just needs meatballs.
Kojima's got you covered.
This was my impression too. The thing is, the materials in the scene are also very easy to reproduce in real time shaders due to their simplicity and general uniformity. Smooth white walls? 'Spot' style lighting?
Put a large jug of water in the middle of the table, and all of a sudden the difference is going to be pretty obvious.
Seriously lacking, IMO.
Its not ALL bad, theres some impressive jungle scenes that look half decent too, as well as the stupid but not bad see through shirt tech he made to see bra's under clothing... (Seriously).
As amusing as it may be to imagine, I am pretty certain that Hideo Kojima is not personally coding this engine. :P
nice looking all the same.
So the obvious wtf bra tech conversation aside, thinking purely about the way he shows off his ladies, especially in metal gear solid 4, with all the titilating camera angles, and near panty shots, boob shots, and his crude humor I think its a valid piece of tech to expand that theme. I hope it reveal panty lines too *hotness!*
Then again......... I am ever so slightly bias towards showing off ladies so.....