I'm going to ask a really noobi questions here.
I've built a Robot with a screen for a face. I wanted to have the screen on a separate UV channel.
But UDK keeps pushing in the UV isles that were put outside the bounds in Max and putting them all over.
So the question is. Can i only have one UV isle in a channel and the rest in the another?
I've been looking everywhere for answers, but not quite finding any good ones.
You don't have to worry about the screen and the body parts overlapping, because they will use different materials.
As for the question of having 1 or a partial UV set in UDk, I have tried this, but weird things have happened to the unmapped parts and I just ended up mapping them anyway.
UDK will also default the lightmap to the 2nd UV channel UV1 (1st channel being UV0), so if you have an irregular setup you have to go and change the staticmesh properties.
The solution in this case is to make the screen a separate object and append it to the rig that is going to animate the robot. Which should solve the problem. all I need to do now is to figure out a way import them correctly into UDK.
i'm not sure how to go about this.
You will need a separate uv channel for a light map. Without overlapping Uvs.