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3D Modeling Portfolio Crit

polycounter lvl 8
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dirigible polycounter lvl 8
Gearing up for GDC, trying to get my portfolio site looking slick. Gonna add a bit more content when I can.


Have at me!


  • KartoonHead
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    KartoonHead polycounter lvl 4
    I'd say there just isn't enough stuff, and what there is is spread out too much. You could easily put the bunker, silo AND rocks in one small scene and make that one part of your environment section. As it is the first FOUR screens worth of content on your environment section are dedicated solely to a small cluster of rocks.
  • switz
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    switz polycounter lvl 10
    I'm not sure if there's a lack of work, but you could present it in a more compressed fashion no doubt. I love the assets though, looks like they're for a dota game?
  • Clark Coots
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    Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
    i wouldnt have the 1st thing you see on the Prop section a rock. its such a generic typically object. its good you can make them, but i'd go for something with a bit more wow factor when first going to that page
  • dirigible
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    dirigible polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for the comments guy!

    KartoonHead - Yeah, that's something I've sort of been struggling with recently - trying to decide whether to show a little of many assets, or show a lot of a few assets. My old portfolio had a ton of different things, but only like 1 shot of each. I've tried to move in the opposite direction, but maybe I went too far? I showed my site to a character modeler at a major studio, and he said he liked how much info I was showing per asset, but I think I can definitely work to make it more compact.

    switz - thanks man! Yeah the game is Galaxy for Hire, it's a co-op game where up to 4 players take on different "contracts", like defending a base against swarms of enemies, and try to beat their high scores. We'll be at GDC in a couple days as part of GDC play, so check us out if you're going. Here's the website: http://trenchgames.com/galaxy-for-hire/

    coots7 - Good point! I'd been organizing my site by putting most recent work first, but yeah I should really do most-interesting to least-interesting.
    EDIT: Oh man do I feel dumb. I just realized I'd forgotten to delete an older version of the rock image, so there was 2x the rocks. Fix'd.

    Is there anything that jumps out at you guys as a waste of space? I try to make sure everything on the site shows something specific, and isn't just wasting space. Like the in-editor and in-game screenshots, are sort of to show that I am familiar with using the editor, and gives context for what the assets were made for.

    If you ever are like "yeah yeah stop showing me this stupid ____", let me know what it is!
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    i'm not sure about that presentation style with overlapping renders, concepts and texture sheets.
    it feels very busy and all the elements are fighting each other to get viewer's attention.
    Especially considering that there's also all kinds of text on pics put in different places, in different sizes and sometimes different brightness.
    the result is confusion.

    i think that it should take only one look at first pic to know where exactly I'll find polycount or texture size info in all of the other pics.
    at the moment your polycount can be found in the center, or on the left, or right. same for texture sheets etc.
    i don't think confusing the HR people/recruiters is a good idea.
  • dirigible
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    dirigible polycounter lvl 8
    Blasoid - I definitely know what you mean, but I'm not sure how to get around it. I'm trying to fit a bunch of information into a small space, so I kind of wind up sticking things wherever they fit best. I can try to make everything more uniform and spaced out, but then each model's image will get longer, requiring more scrolling.

    The pictures for Nym (characters page) and for Environment Assets (props page) are the most recent things I've updated, so I'll try to get that level of organization and clarity for everything else. Still too messy?
  • dirigible
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    dirigible polycounter lvl 8
    Added a new section to show off my mad zbrush skillz.
  • njc6425
    i like the way its been setup, very clear and easy to read. Also good that you posted in game renders of each individual asset which just shows off your skill more so. Love the Zsketch section, shows an extra side of creativity!

    Looks great and have fun at GDC!
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Not bad.

    The only crits I have are that I don't think your thumbnails show off the work very well. They should make me want to click to see more. The picture of the girl in the first one is kinda derpy compared to how she actually looks in the other shots. The props ones are fairly generic and oddly cropped. The third one is also awkwardly cropped. As well I don't think the font or colours you used for the thumbnail text is great. A nice sans serif font that matches all of the Carbonmade fonts on the page would work better I think.
  • dirigible
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    dirigible polycounter lvl 8
    njc6425 - Thanks man, I really appreciate it! GDC is gonna be pretty wild for me, so much stuff gonna be happening, and it's my first time going.

    Frump - Haha yeah, Nym's derpy face. The original shots of her were unposed, and so was the shot of her for the banner/thumbnail. I went back and posed her but didn't update the banner. Fixed now, thanks for pointing it out! Also made the props thumbnail a bit more interesting.

    I kind of like the banner layout right now, but I'll change it if more people think it sucks.
  • dirigible
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    dirigible polycounter lvl 8
    Bump for more crits, added to my characters page.
    I leave for GDC tomorrow, gotta get all my worrying done today.
  • dirigible
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    dirigible polycounter lvl 8
    EDIT: Woah, mispost! Doesn't look like I can delete it though?...

    Alright, a lot of people like the Mace, and it will probably be the easiest / fastest to model. Sucks, but since I'm going to GDC I'm only gonna get 2 weeks to work on this.
    STILL, if I finish the mace and have time left over I think I'll probably do the axe next, as I feel it is closer to matching the style of DS than the hammer. Speaking of which, updated concept for the axe.

    I still like the hammer, so maybe I'll make it a side project in the future.
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