Hi Polycounters o/
I wish to share you some screenshots of the little environement i'm working on :poly136:
I've been really inspired by this picture showing a standing lonely builing and i decided to create a similar environement in UDK. But with a totally different lighting and atmosphere

He is the actual result i got with the skydome and the lighting. I still need to do some improvements.

Here is the main material for the walls , i made it with a 512 px base texture and some masks.

That's all for the moment , now i need to work on others textures.

All constructive criticisms are highly welcomed.

Are you planning on filling out the area round The Lonely House™?
Either way, I'd love to see what you do with the finished lighting
Concerning the environement i was planning to create a simple one with few trees and few buildings far away. If it's going to feel to empty , then i would add some generic assets next to it to fill the area.
While we are talking about the sky i was wondering how to avoid the height fog to be rendered in front of the sky ? to keep it shiny and saturated :poly121:
Also , does someone knows why the sky is not rendered while generating a cubemap ?
While you're at it actually, you'll probably want to turn on Enable Fog' to get a more realistic reflection of your scene. As well as this, set the Frame Rate to '0' so that it only renders to texture once when the level loads and greatly improves performance.
I'd also suggest not removing the fog entirely, but giving it a few tweaks to make it more subtle.
Click on the Find Actors button
Open its properties and from there you can tweak the Fog Density, Start Point etc.
Just have a play for yourself to see what looks good. If you want to preview what the level looks like with or without fog in the editor, just hit the 'F' key.
The house and the sky are now pretty finished and i still need to complete the whole environement.
At the moment i'm using five 512 pixels textures + few masks and decals.
Concerning the lighting i do not understand why some parts of the house are lighted while they are hided from direct illumination. This is the first time i'm using the dominant lighting into UDK and lightmasses. Is there some settins to tweak ?
Thanks in advance for critics and any help :poly121: