honestly 6 months ago i would have said the same thing..but with the use of dynamesh in combination with slice brush and all the clipping brushes its really easy to get hard surface details instead of having to do it maya by extruding faces all day which would be my usual method of doing this from start to finish. just comparing and contrasting honestly.
Hey this is looking really good! I am currently (as of yesterday) embarking on an adventure to learn hard surface in zbrush. Are there any tutorials you could recommend? Specifically on bevelling/softening edges, the insert brush's and clipping brush's. Cheers
As for your gun I think your handle is a little square and blocky, but the rest looks really nice, keep goin.
^ I bought some DVDs from eat3d.com they have two hard surface DVDs that have to do with modeling hard surface in zbrush..those two dvd will give you everything you need to know honestly.. there is other stuff if you look around on youtube but if you looking for in-depth course i recommend those two DVDs.
just picked up this wip again..had dropped a while ago to work on more environment based pieces but decided it be a waste not to finish..this is with no lighting, no spec, unfinished normal map and 15 min texture pass with AO map.
As for your gun I think your handle is a little square and blocky, but the rest looks really nice, keep goin.