Hi guys,
This is a beauty shot of a low-poly character that I did for a small inhouse project which aim was to test out unity engine.
Concept, high-poly, low-poly and render by: me
Textures by: Ivelin Trifonov (10x mate! )
Crits and comments are welcome

Would love some breakdowns on it! Wires. Materials. Textures. Anything really! :P
Nice work!
Jeremiah_bigley , I'll post a breakdown soon
As for the concept, It's a nice looking character, but I think it misses the mark for a steam punk scientist. The only thing that reads as scientist would be his physique and the fact that he's wearing glasses. And the only steam punk hints would be the colour and intricate designs for the fabric on his vest. But there's no watches hanging from it
His glasses should be a gadget used in his sciencing of things... he should have one arm that is all robotic and stuff...
The gadgets look like toys too.
But like I said, i like it for the most part, I think it needs some improvements in the concept department. But the execution is great for the most part.
Good job guys
About the robotic arm, actually the thing next to him on the left side of the image is designed as an attachment for his backpack. Here is a quick shot, but it is missing two more "fingers":
But , yeah, a more fancy googles and some watches would suit him nicely:)