EQ reminded me I had a some of my old hard drive backups and thought it would be cool to share some of my old models and textures. It would be great if anyone else wanted to share work from around this time.
This was the earliest thing I found, my first quake2 model!! (I lost all my quake 1 skins before)
and the second one
These must have been 1998/9 so I would have been 14 or 15! I remember loving everything I made for a few days/week then absolutely hating it and having to move onto something else.
I think this was the last model/texture I made before getting a job when I was 18 so this must have been 2002
I also managed to do some animations
Looking back I'm amazed how much effort I put into it all!
Anyway I won't post too much random stuff, there's a bunch more models here,
A lot of the models were collaborations, mostly with Crash but also some others (I'm sure I didn't model the topless/whitetop guy but cant remember who did) I also think there's a skin by Rooster in there too!
Oh I also found this so if anyone's enjoying this check out this link!;
I never really finished either of them though... but working on new stuff now :poly142:
edit:I don't want to make this just about my stuff, I'd really like to see what other people have hidden from back then too!
dated around may of 2000
After a crash course in the basics...
Chimp, nice skills! I wonder how long that would take to render on a 2004 machine compared to now.
Cgmonkey, cool! Is that all sub-d? 2006 was before sculpting apps right?
Guass I remember that model! Infact I remember being jealous of how good it was.
I found this on my HD too, thought you might find it funny.
Look at dem skillz.