Hey, working on a scifi RTS-type game. Looking to see which concepts for a standard ground soldier.

Proportions can change...looking to do a mix between Starcraft Marine, GOW armor, and similar chunky-gritty scifi. Let me know what's interesting.
I'd personally put a bit of focus on trying to work out what sort of shape language you want to use throughout the units of the game.
Could you explain what you mean by this? /noob question
@ZacD, Thanks, you're right. What would you recommend to get a better looking concept? I'm afraid to put too much detail into a single sketch because I'm not sure which direction to head in because Muzz is right, it's a weird combo for sure.
I actually tried to piece something like this together in max last night and I just got lost trying to add depth.
That is how I would start out, just doodle on top of a person at the right perspective, and also think about what size they are going to be in game, and exaggerate their features and differences, the lower right tiny images is about what size its going to be in game. Also look at starcraft and other rpgs and see what they do to show differences, and see what characters are hard to tell apart.
It is the collection of shapes that you use to form your creations. Think of it similar to how somebody would dress themselves in the morning, What colours and what clothes go together, you wouldn't wear a red button up shirt with blue short shorts. Shapes are similar in that some go well together with other and so choosing a pallet of shapes that work well together is what will help give a distinctive art style.
Have a look at stuff like this, http://izmojuki.tumblr.com/ and compare the shapes used to something like this, http://www.maschinenkrueger.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6:t34-tacobeetle-fire-beetle&catid=6:other&Itemid=16 They are both really industrial but they get a different feel because of the shape language